Burley Archive Folders - digital content.
List of Digital Folders on the BLH&AG Portable Hard Drive (PHD). Each folder contains a variety of digital material i.e. images, scanned documents, research papers etc.
"Optimised" folders are those files used on the websites - Burley Archive and this one.
List of Digital Folders on the BLH&AG Portable Hard Drive (PHD). Each folder contains a variety of digital material i.e. images, scanned documents, research papers etc.
"Optimised" folders are those files used on the websites - Burley Archive and this one.
Listing as of 15-12-2024 - around 53Gb of data
├───AER - Aerial Photography
│ └───Optimised images
├───BUI - Buildings & Properties
│ ├───1616 Land Survey - Solomon Swale
│ ├───Aireville Terrace
│ ├───Arc Development - Moor Lane
│ ├───Back Lane
│ ├───Beckside Close (Back of Grange Road)
│ ├───Black Bull Farm
│ │ └───Newspaper Cuttings - Gunton
│ ├───Bleach Mill (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Booth Street
│ ├───Bradford Road
│ ├───Braeside (Moor Lane)
│ ├───Buildings not in Burley District
│ │ └───Ilkley photos
│ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ ├───1911 Deeds Burley Hall
│ │ ├───1946 Deeds Burley Hall
│ │ ├───Burley Hall - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Burley House - Burley Court
│ │ ├───Burley Court (Burley House)
│ │ ├───Burley House - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ ├───Google Burley House 2008
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Burley House Field
│ │ ├───Burley House Field
│ │ └───Optimised BHF
│ ├───Burley Library - refurbishment
│ ├───Burley Lodge
│ │ └───Newspaper Cuttings - Gunton
│ ├───Burley Moor
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Mills research - see FAM - Clark, Alan
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Quarry
│ ├───Cathedine - Station Road
│ │ ├───1994 Gunton The Court
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Cathedine
│ │ ├───Cathedine Blackwood The Court - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ │ └───Cathedine The Court 1994 - Sally Gunton
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───The Court Boys Home - GOV WRCC - Boys Home
│ ├───Chapel Fold Burley Woodhead (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───Colston Beck (Burley Moor) - Gunton
│ ├───Colston House see also BUS - Milk MB
│ │ ├───Colston Lodge
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Cornmill & Pond
│ │ └───Harrison Robinson Oct 2024 995k images
│ ├───Coronation Row
│ ├───Craignook - 11 Southfield Road
│ ├───Denton Park Estate
│ ├───Dial House Photos
│ │ └───Charles Prest - Photos 2014
│ ├───Elm Grove
│ ├───Endor Crescent
│ ├───Esscroft House or Manor
│ ├───Farr Royd (Sun Lane)
│ ├───Farr Royd Terrace - 3
│ ├───Fellowship Barn - Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Fenton Street
│ ├───Fountains - Village
│ │ ├───1982 Fountain of LIfe
│ │ ├───2016 Fountain Jct Main St
│ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ └───Thomas Clark - Recreation Ground
│ ├───Gib Field and High Stead Farm Sale 1955
│ ├───Grange Flat above ex-PO Station Road
│ ├───Grange Park - see EDU - Grange Park Day Centre
│ ├───Grange Road
│ ├───Grange Road - 18
│ ├───Grange Road Health Centre
│ ├───Grangefield Avenue
│ ├───Grangefield Avenue 37 - The Grange Plan
│ │ └───KN Files
│ ├───Great Pasture
│ ├───Greenholme Estate - cottages farm housing
│ │ └───Greenholme House or Mansion
│ ├───Greenholme Mills housing development
│ ├───Greenholme Old Mill
│ ├───Hag Farm (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Hag Farm Road
│ ├───Hall Close
│ ├───Hall Drive
│ ├───Hanover Housing
│ ├───Hawthorne Grove
│ ├───Highfield House - Moor Road Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Highlands - Moor Lane
│ ├───Hill Top - Main Street
│ ├───Hilltop Farm Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Holme Grove
│ ├───Horsfall Terrace - Main Street
│ ├───Ilkley Moor
│ ├───Ilkley Road
│ ├───Iron Row
│ ├───Johnson's Yard off Main Street
│ ├───Jubilee Gardens 2011
│ ├───Kaye's Row or Kaye's Buildings (Main Street)
│ ├───King Edward Terrace
│ ├───Land Sales Miscellaneous
│ │ ├───Field Names from Adverts
│ │ └───Tithe Map and Info
│ ├───Lane Top
│ ├───Langford House
│ ├───Langford Lane
│ ├───Langford Ride
│ ├───Langford Ride - Badgerstone
│ │ ├───Conveyance Tithe Land Registry - Langford Ride - scans
│ │ └───Title deeds etc from Joyce - Langford Ride HS Chorley
│ ├───Langford Road
│ ├───Lawn Avenue
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 2 - deeds - Danielle Hibbert
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 34 - deeds - Belinda Dunstan-Crarey
│ │ └───34 Lawn Avenue
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 41
│ ├───Lawn Road
│ ├───Lawn Walk
│ ├───Leather Bank
│ ├───Lecture Hall see Queens Hall
│ ├───Lewis Buildings - Back Lane
│ ├───Lewis Terrace
│ ├───Little Esscroft - Riversdale
│ ├───Long Meadows
│ ├───Long Meadows under construction
│ ├───Low House Farm - Colston Drive
│ ├───Main Street
│ │ ├───East of Station Road
│ │ ├───East Terrace on Main Street
│ │ ├───Main Street2
│ │ └───West of Station Road
│ ├───Manor Park
│ ├───Manse Crescent
│ ├───Manse Road
│ ├───Mansfield Road
│ │ └───PDF
│ ├───Melrose Drive
│ ├───Menston Lane (Menston Old Lane)
│ ├───Middle Lodge Otley Road
│ ├───Midgley Road
│ ├───Midgley Road - 28 - Helen Franks papers
│ ├───Moor Lane
│ ├───Moor Lane Centre Road
│ ├───Moor Road
│ ├───Moorville or Moor House (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ ├───Eleanor Fisher - uncle executor Peter Garnett
│ │ ├───Moorville Estate 1900
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Myrtle Grove (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───North Parade
│ ├───North View (off Peel Place)
│ ├───Norwood Avenue
│ ├───Norwood Terrace
│ ├───Oak Avenue
│ ├───Oak Close
│ ├───Oakfield - Moor Lane
│ │ └───Gunton info
│ ├───Old Reservoir - Moor Lane
│ ├───Otley Road
│ ├───Parish Church Field Development 2020
│ ├───Parish Rooms (off Station Road)
│ ├───Park Row
│ ├───Pear Tree Farm (See FAM - Flesher)
│ ├───Peel Place
│ ├───Pleasant Row (Main Street)(built c1820)
│ ├───Post Office Yard (Main Street)
│ ├───Post Office Yard and Cottages
│ │ └───Dale Eddison - March 2023
│ ├───Pott's Farm or Potts' House
│ │ └───Electoral Roll etc
│ ├───Primitive Methodist Chapel and Schoolrooms (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───Prospect Road
│ ├───Prospect Row (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Pudding Tree (Main Street)
│ ├───Queens Hall - Lecture Hall
│ │ ├───Bell removal 2008
│ │ ├───Crag Top Roofing Sept 2021
│ │ ├───Queens Hall Lecture Hall interior 2018 images
│ │ ├───Spire and Bell Removal 1967
│ │ └───YorkDale Roofing June July 2024
│ ├───Recreation Ground - Fison Park
│ ├───River Wharfe
│ ├───Riversdale - see Little Esscroft
│ ├───Rose Bank
│ ├───Round House - Grange Park
│ ├───Roydon - Mount Wise (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───Salem - Congregational Chapel (See REL Salem)(EDU Salem)
│ ├───Sandholme Drive
│ ├───Scalebor Park Farm
│ │ └───Scalebor Park Farm House plan
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hall (see EDU Scalebor Park Hall)
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital see GOV West Riding County Council
│ ├───Scalebor Park Housing
│ │ ├───Grinham Images 2021
│ │ ├───Images pre-development
│ │ ├───RIBA - British Housing
│ │ └───Scalebor Housing
│ ├───Scalebor Park Lodge - also see GOV West Riding County Council
│ ├───Smithy Lane
│ ├───Southfield Road
│ ├───St Marys Parish Centre Station Road (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───St Marys Parish Church (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───St Philips Way
│ ├───Station Approach
│ ├───Station Road
│ ├───Stead Hall Farm
│ ├───Stoney Royd off Main Street
│ ├───Sun Lane
│ ├───Sun Lane Development - Centurion Meadows
│ ├───Sun Lane Nature Reserve (Poor's Field)(Sun Lane Tip)
│ ├───Tanfield Drive
│ ├───The Copse
│ ├───The Croft - land area
│ ├───The Drive - Moor Lane (see West Lodge)
│ ├───The Grange - or Burley Grange
│ │ ├───Burley Grange
│ │ │ └───Optimised Burley Grange
│ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ │ ├───Grange Park New Play ground
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Repairs Burley Grange
│ │ └───The Grange Stable
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───The Hawthorns (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───The Hermit (Woodhead)(see BUS Public Houses)
│ ├───The Knoll - Moor Lane
│ ├───The Laurels - Mansfield Road - Tailor Made
│ ├───The Lawn - Main Street
│ │ ├───1958 before alteration - Piotrowski
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───1958-9 Council Houses - Piotrowski
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───1960 conversion - Piotrowski
│ │ │ ├───Snips
│ │ │ └───The Lawn - Internal Views
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───Grange Road Council Flats - Piotrowski
│ │ ├───Lawn Walk
│ │ ├───Lawn wall - Methodists - Grinham
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2008 and 2018
│ │ ├───Lawn Walk Council Houses
│ │ ├───Optimised external views conversion
│ │ ├───Optimised internal views conversion
│ │ └───Optimised The Lawn pre-conversion
│ ├───The Manse - Station Road Burley - See EDU - Burley Nursery
│ ├───The Mount - Stead
│ ├───The Robins Housing Estate - old railway sidings
│ ├───The Vicarage - Burley in Wharfedale
│ ├───Trinity Mews - former school on Aireville Terrace
│ ├───Underwood Court - Station Road
│ ├───Victoria Hall - Drill Hall - Peel Place
│ ├───Village Green - Burley
│ │ ├───Canadian War 2 Memorial see War Memorial folder
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Walton House or Greystone Manor
│ ├───War Memorials - WWI and WWII
│ │ └───Canadian Memorial WWII
│ ├───Wellfield Lane
│ ├───Wesleyan School and Chapel House Burley Woodhead - Gunton (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───West Lodge - Moor Lane
│ │ ├───See FAM - Benn
│ │ └───West Lodge 2020
│ ├───West Terrace - Main Street
│ ├───West View Road
│ ├───Weston Hall & Lodge
│ ├───Wharfe Court - corner Main Street and Norwood Ave
│ ├───Wharfedale Grange Farm (see The Mount, Stead)
│ │ ├───Gunton Research
│ │ └───Newman - Karen
│ ├───Wharfeside
│ ├───Whin Hill - Moor Road terrace houses
│ ├───Wrexham Road
│ └───York Road
├───BUS - Businesses
│ ├───Allison and Macrae Ltd (Burley Grange)(Architects)
│ ├───Arthur Newsome Limited (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───Booth - Butterfield
│ │ ├───Bray - Joy Far Skibeden Time Book
│ │ ├───Newsome (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───Newsome info - Gunton
│ │ ├───Old Skipton Pics fb
│ │ ├───Quarrying Yorkshire Dales - Johnson
│ │ ├───Scientific Roads Ltd
│ │ └───Spivey - Charles William
│ ├───British Thornton (Greenholme Mills Industrial Estate)
│ ├───Burley Gas Company (Greenholme Gasworks)
│ ├───Burley Hall Care Home - BUPA
│ ├───CEG (West of Burley Housing Development)
│ ├───Findel PLC (Burley House)
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Industrial Estate (1968-2018)
│ │ └───Current and Past Businesses
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Savings Bank - ACC No 0582 Map2
│ ├───Greenwood & Whitaker (1805-1847) (Greenholme Mills)
│ │ └───John Greenwood - Gunton research
│ ├───Greenwoods - Burley House
│ ├───Jefferies Haulage - Reg - Richard Jefferies
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───John Clapham & Sons (Corn mill & feed merchant)
│ ├───Jonas Whitaker & Co (c1790-1805) (Greenholme Mills)
│ │ ├───Jonas Whitaker Cattle Breeder & Exporter (Greenholme Estate)
│ │ └───Whitaker - Gunton snippets
│ │ ├───10 hours bill
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Joseph Gill & Sons (Rombald's Moor Bleach Works)
│ ├───Menston Building Co
│ ├───Midland Railway & North East Railway (Otley & Ilkley Joint Railway)
│ │ ├───1844-5 Railway Shareholders Manual - Tuck
│ │ ├───Alison Wright - Viaduct demolition
│ │ ├───Bill Smith Images via email
│ │ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Railway Station
│ │ │ ├───copied files other folders
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ │ └───Other stations on line
│ │ ├───Chris Smyth - north side of station
│ │ ├───Clements - Malcolm - Ilkley Oct 1985
│ │ ├───Foster, Peter - stone from viaduct
│ │ ├───Gunton, Sally - Burley Railway Station
│ │ │ └───optimised
│ │ ├───Ilkley Gazette History of Railway in 5 Parts 1969
│ │ ├───Images old track bed & Gods Acre March 2018
│ │ ├───Lockwood - Adrian - Station Clock
│ │ ├───Midland NER Railway details 1861 papers archive
│ │ ├───Midland Railway history
│ │ ├───Midland Railway Study Centre
│ │ ├───NER Optimised Images
│ │ ├───North Eastern Railway - rise and development - Tomlinson
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images bridges
│ │ ├───Otley and Ilkley Joint Railway
│ │ ├───Otley station and environs
│ │ ├───Railway history
│ │ │ ├───Andrew Naylor photos
│ │ │ │ └───album-d70574693-downloads
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital branch railway 1899-1903
│ │ ├───Shipley Railway Station and Goods yards
│ │ ├───Skipton and Ilkley Railway
│ │ ├───Smith, FW - Bill - Book on Wharfedale Railways
│ │ ├───South and West Yorkshire Railways
│ │ ├───Tozer - Nick - Ilkley Station 1987
│ │ └───Winpenny - Edward
│ ├───Milk Marketing Board & Genus PLC (Colston House)
│ │ ├───Carol Hindle - info and image
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Rathmell & Co (Hopps Barn Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Shop & Store Developments Burley House
│ ├───The Forge - BinW and Burley Woodhead
│ ├───TLS Hydro (Greenholme Old Mill)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Walkers Printers (Otley)
│ ├───Walking Photographer (Rich Bunce)
│ ├───Wharfedale Fancy Knitting Wool Company
│ ├───Wharfedale Steam Laundry (Sun Lane)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co (1842-1907)
│ │ ├───Greenholme Estate 1894 Deed-20240313T120736Z-001
│ │ │ └───Greenholme Estate 1894 Deed
│ │ ├───Greenholme Mills Savings Bank - see separate folder
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Yarn Sales and Customers List - Map Chest 1 Drawer 6
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co Limited (1907-1968)
│ ├───Woodley - G T - Coal Coke and Lime Merchant
│ └───Wright - John - Jake Wright - Guzdeks
│ ├───Greenholme Mills images
│ └───Optimised images
│ └───Guzdeks
├───BUS - Shops and Business Premises (S&B)
│ ├───Adverts
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Main Street East
│ │ ├───Main Street West
│ │ ├───Peel Place
│ │ └───Station Road
│ ├───Back Lane
│ ├───Bradford Road
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club Recipe Booklet Adverts
│ ├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Cornmill Lane
│ │ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Coutances Way and Ilkley Road - See Little Esscroft
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Crown Street
│ ├───Junction North Parade & Main Street
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Junction Station Road Main Street
│ │ └───Optimised Images Junction Station Main St
│ ├───Little Esscroft Riversdale - Gunton
│ ├───Main Street
│ │ ├───East Terrace
│ │ │ └───East Terrace Pictures Nos - Gunton
│ │ ├───Main Street east
│ │ │ ├───98_72 Main Street - Gunton
│ │ │ ├───Darbysons
│ │ │ ├───New images sept 2019
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Adverts
│ │ │ ├───Optimised images east
│ │ │ │ └───resized
│ │ │ └───Unoptimized images east
│ │ ├───Main Street West
│ │ │ ├───Adverts
│ │ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ │ ├───New images Sep 2019
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Main St West
│ │ │ ├───Shaun Paddy Parrington
│ │ │ └───Unoptimized images west
│ │ ├───Martins Bank
│ │ ├───Midgleys Butchers
│ │ └───West Terrace
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───North Parade
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Peel Place
│ │ ├───Gardener - Evelyn
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Public Houses
│ │ ├───Generous Pioneer
│ │ ├───Hermit Inn (Burley Woodhead) Also BUI - The Hermit Inn
│ │ ├───Malt Shovel
│ │ │ └───The Malt as housing
│ │ ├───Pig and Whistle
│ │ ├───Queens Head
│ │ ├───Red Lion
│ │ └───White Horse
│ │ └───White Horse images drive-download-20241003T232441Z-001
│ ├───Shops Houses Main St Burley - spreadsheet
│ ├───Shops Station Road and other Burley - spreadsheet
│ ├───Station Road
│ │ ├───Cheshire Cat
│ │ │ ├───Graham Cockell
│ │ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ │ └───Sharp
│ │ ├───Lockwood & Son Chemist
│ │ ├───Michelle Head - Manns and Peace Fish Shops
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images - Michelle Head
│ │ └───optimised
│ ├───Sun Lane
│ │ └───See BUS - Wharfedale Steam Laundry
│ └───Victoria Road
├───CAT - Catalogue & Inventory
│ ├───Belinda - FAM drawers
│ ├───drive-download-20230219T085511Z-001
│ ├───Exhibition display Material
│ ├───Greenholme Mills box file S.1.1.2
│ └───Old files
├───DIR - Directories - Business & People
│ ├───Burley Trade Directories - Gunton
│ │ ├───1822
│ │ ├───1830
│ │ ├───1841
│ │ ├───1848
│ │ ├───1861
│ │ ├───1867
│ │ ├───1871
│ │ ├───1877
│ │ ├───1881
│ │ ├───1887
│ │ ├───1889
│ │ ├───1891
│ │ ├───1893
│ │ ├───1894
│ │ ├───1897
│ │ ├───1901
│ │ ├───1901 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1904 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1908
│ │ ├───1909 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1912
│ │ ├───1917
│ │ ├───1922
│ │ ├───1927
│ │ └───1936
│ ├───Electoral Roll 1841 1848 and 1851
│ └───Phonebook 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - Gunton
├───EDU - Education
│ ├───Burley and Woodhead - Sandholme Drive (1976 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Education Trust - Township School
│ ├───Burley Main St Provided School 1905-1950
│ │ └───Methodist Wesleyan Burley Main St Provided (1905-1950)
│ ├───Burley Middle (1972-2000) and Burley Oaks (2000 onwards) Langford Lane
│ ├───Burley National and Aireville Terrace
│ │ ├───Aireville Optimised Images website
│ │ │ └───undated
│ │ ├───Aireville Reunion 2004 Scanned docs
│ │ ├───Burley CofE Primary - Aireville 1950-1972
│ │ ├───Burley First - Aireville - 1972-1999
│ │ │ └───Aireville centenary 1998
│ │ └───Burley National School - Aireville 1898-1950
│ │ └───1947
│ ├───Burley Nursery - The Manse Station Road
│ ├───Burley Preparatory School (c1935)
│ ├───Burley Woodhead School - Junior & Infants 1832 - 1976
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead Log Book 1953-1956
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead School Log Book 1953
│ │ ├───Envelope Files - Mrs Coates teacher at Woodhead
│ │ ├───Jane Shackleton Images & info
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Ghyll Royd School (Greystone)
│ ├───Grange Park Day Centre and Nursery
│ ├───Greenholme Mills school - Lecture Hall - Queens
│ │ └───Optimised Greenholme School
│ ├───Ilkley College Annexe (Burley Grange)
│ ├───Ilkley Secondary and IGS
│ ├───Ladysmith National School Back Lane (to 1898)
│ ├───Littleburn Home School
│ ├───Mount Wise High School for Girls (Arnold-Forster High School)
│ ├───Mrs. Ward's Private School (Woodhead) 1873
│ ├───Primitive Methodists - 1914 to unknown
│ ├───Rose Bank Villas school - c1870s - c1884
│ ├───Salem Congregational School
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hall School
│ ├───School crossing patrol - Langford and Station Road
│ ├───St Philips School Burley House (1941-1971)
│ └───Township School and Craft Centre
├───FAM - Families and People
│ ├───Akhtar - Rameez - Little Chef Kashmiri Aroma
│ ├───Aldred - Rev Donald and Anne
│ ├───Archer - Elizabeth (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───Ardill - John (Chartist leader - BinW)
│ ├───Arnold-Forster - see Forster
│ ├───Ash - Horner (Burley Grange gardener)
│ ├───Asquith - Pat - images Burley and Woodhead
│ ├───Baildons (Baildon)
│ ├───Barr - Arthur William (Braeside)
│ ├───Beanlands Family
│ ├───Bell - Nelson (gamekeeper Burley Moor)
│ ├───Benn Family (BUI - West Lodge)
│ │ ├───Benn research - Gunton
│ │ └───see BUI - West Lodge
│ ├───Bentley - Henry & Sam WW1 Mark Paling Images
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Bevington - Dave - Station Rd Burley soldiers WW1
│ ├───Binns - Eddie
│ ├───Black - Charles Ingham
│ │ ├───Black - Ladbroke Lionel - journalist
│ │ ├───O'Neill - Adrian
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Bland - Philip (Burley images 1950s)
│ ├───Bond - David (aerial photographer)
│ ├───Bosomworth - Harvey
│ │ ├───BinW Images
│ │ └───Burley Archive
│ │ ├───Burley Brass Band
│ │ ├───Celebrations
│ │ ├───Churches
│ │ ├───Community Council
│ │ ├───Education
│ │ ├───Industrial
│ │ ├───Large Houses
│ │ ├───Milletc
│ │ ├───Misc
│ │ │ └───Burley Woodhead
│ │ ├───Old Burley
│ │ ├───Organisations
│ │ ├───Peter Mann
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Pubs
│ │ ├───Scalebor etc
│ │ ├───Smaller houses
│ │ ├───Sport and leisure
│ │ ├───Transport
│ │ ├───Village Green
│ │ ├───Wartime
│ │ └───Weather
│ ├───Breare Family
│ ├───Brook - Harry (cricketer)
│ ├───Brotherton (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Brown - Alfred John (Author & resident)
│ ├───Bulmer - George Bertram (1851-1916) - Architect
│ ├───Burton - John Clarke (Woodhead)
│ ├───Burton - Richard (postcard & photo collection)
│ │ └───Whitehouse - Sarah - postcard collection
│ ├───Carpmael - Annie census 1901
│ ├───Carruthers - Stephen - documents Oct 2022
│ ├───Cawood - Norman (Photo Collection)
│ │ ├───1990 Burley Show - Norman Cawood
│ │ └───River Wharfe Album - pre-bypass
│ ├───Charlesworth - Charles (Burley Moor, Hawksworth Moor)
│ ├───Child - Shirley
│ ├───Chorley & Kimber (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ ├───Harry Sutton Chorley (HS Chorley)
│ │ │ ├───BNA Downloads
│ │ │ ├───Charles Roberts Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images CRC
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Connon buildings
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images Chorley Connon
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Connon Chorley buildings
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised images CCC
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Gribbon Foggitt
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ │ ├───Connon and Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Connon Chorley
│ │ │ ├───Dobson Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Dobson Chorley
│ │ │ ├───Images Harry Chorley web page
│ │ │ │ └───Optimized images website
│ │ │ ├───John Wreghitt Connon
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images JWC
│ │ │ ├───optomised chorley
│ │ │ ├───Thomas Chorley Snr and Jnr
│ │ │ └───Verity - Penelope nee Chorley
│ │ │ └───Good images
│ │ └───Mary Chorley nee Kimber
│ │ ├───BNA Images from Cuttings
│ │ ├───Bradford Exhibition (1904)
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead Dramatics
│ │ ├───Fleur Cook nee Kimber
│ │ │ ├───4th dec 18
│ │ │ ├───cuttings
│ │ │ └───John Frederick Charles Kimber
│ │ │ └───4th dec 18
│ │ ├───Folk Song & Dance Revival
│ │ ├───Miss Minnie or Mary Kimber (Mrs Mary Chorley)
│ │ │ └───Hillersdon House
│ │ ├───Optimised images Mary Chorley
│ │ ├───Outlook Club
│ │ │ └───Outlook Club - BNA
│ │ └───Woodhead Pageant
│ ├───Clapham - John Peele (The Grange or Burley Grange)
│ │ ├───Grinham images 2021
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Clark - Alun - Burley Woodhead Mills research
│ │ └───Snips
│ ├───Clark - Thomas (Greenholme Mills School)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Clegg - David - Lewis Clegg licence 202 Main St
│ ├───Cockell (Sharp & Otty - Victoria Cafe, Stirling Road)
│ ├───Colson - Trevor (TC Trev) (Earnest Thorne)
│ ├───Cooke - Gordon
│ ├───Cotton - A E - Sgt Major
│ ├───Crabtree - Greenwood - Greystone Manor
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Craven (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Craven - Hiram (Greenholme Mills stone weir)
│ ├───Creswell and Cresswell (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Crofton - Sophie nee Horsfall (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Cudworth - William (writer)
│ ├───Cummings - Elsie (nee Walker)
│ ├───Cuthbert - Arthur
│ ├───Dalton - Percy (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Deacon - Vivien (Rombalds Moor phD)
│ ├───Denby - Elaine (architect)
│ ├───Denison - David - surrealist artist
│ ├───Dixon
│ ├───Dixon - Neil (Methodist minister)
│ ├───Draper - Freda (naturalist)
│ ├───Ellis
│ ├───Elsworth - Josie - Greenholme Girls Cricket
│ ├───Emmott - brothers
│ ├───Emsley - Thomas (Burley Grange)
│ │ ├───American info
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Associates
│ │ ├───BNA Downloads 7_08_20
│ │ ├───Bray - James Joseph Edwin
│ │ ├───Bray family
│ │ ├───downloads
│ │ ├───Emsley Estate Property & Lands
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Fern Bank
│ │ ├───Finance
│ │ ├───India related info
│ │ │ ├───GIPR
│ │ │ ├───History of Technology
│ │ │ ├───India Govt report
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ ├───John Skirrow Emsley (brother)
│ │ ├───Jonathan Duncan emails - finance etc
│ │ ├───New Zealand and Australia info
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Other Emsleys
│ │ ├───Robert Emsley
│ │ ├───Rouse
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ └───Walton
│ ├───Fawcett - Stephen (poet b Burley)
│ ├───Fawkes (Farnley Hall)
│ ├───Fenton - John (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Fishburn - Francis - Tailor made villa (The Laurels Mansfield Road)
│ ├───Fisher - Malcolm - Burley images
│ ├───Fison (Greenholme)
│ │ ├───Fisons East Anglia
│ │ ├───Laptop Fison
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Fleck - W (photographer)
│ ├───Flesher - Walter
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Forrest - Mick
│ ├───Forrow - Vicky
│ ├───Forster and Arnold-Forster Family (Greenholme)
│ │ ├───Arnold family and relations
│ │ ├───Arnold Forster - Family
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster (EP, IM, HO, FA)
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster Albums - Sally Gunton
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster photos - Thomas A-F
│ │ │ ├───A-F Burley
│ │ │ └───Otley History Book extracts
│ │ ├───Florence A-F Watercolour snips
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Florence Arnold Forster Irish Journal
│ │ ├───Florence Arnold Forster - watercolours and sketches
│ │ ├───Florence V O'Brien - Diaries Index Family Trees
│ │ ├───Forster - William Edward (1818-1886)
│ │ │ └───Buxton family - his mothers
│ │ ├───Forster Family Tottenham - WEFs Aunts and Uncles
│ │ ├───Frances Egerton A-F
│ │ ├───Iris Arnold Forster
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Foulds - Joseph Hartley
│ ├───Frazer - Lindsay (Gordon Burton)
│ ├───Gardener - Evelyn - Peel Place Fish & Chip Shop
│ ├───Garnett (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Garscadden - Dr
│ ├───Gaunt - David (Hopps Barn Sandholme Stores)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Gill (Burley Woodhead)(Plane Tree Farm)(Woodhead School)
│ ├───Gill - Raymond
│ ├───Gill - William (not Gill Brothers)
│ ├───Gilmour - John Rutherford (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ ├───Gledhill - Walter (chess player & teacher)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Gossop - Richard (Aireville School)
│ ├───Green - Eric
│ ├───Green - Yvonne family images
│ ├───Greenwood (Bingley)(See Greenholme - Mills Partners)
│ ├───Greenwood - Arthur (Greenholme Mansion)
│ ├───Greenwood - Esme - Slides - Gunton
│ ├───Gundry - John
│ ├───Gunton - Sally (postcard collector)(Burley research)
│ │ ├───Aerial photos
│ │ ├───Albert Bell Main Street - Gunton
│ │ ├───All other Burley - Gunton
│ │ ├───Burley & District Postcards & Images - Gunton
│ │ │ ├───Aireville Terrace
│ │ │ ├───Bradford Road
│ │ │ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ │ ├───Cathedine
│ │ │ ├───Corn Mill
│ │ │ ├───Elm Grove
│ │ │ ├───Farr Royd
│ │ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ │ ├───Grangefield Ave
│ │ │ ├───Greenholme & Mill
│ │ │ ├───Greystone Manor Walton House
│ │ │ ├───Hag Farm Road
│ │ │ ├───Ilkley Road & Esscroft
│ │ │ ├───Lane Top
│ │ │ ├───Leather Bank
│ │ │ ├───Main Street
│ │ │ │ ├───Salem Church
│ │ │ │ ├───The Grange
│ │ │ │ └───West Terrace
│ │ │ ├───Mansfield Road
│ │ │ ├───Menston Old Lane
│ │ │ ├───Miscellaneous
│ │ │ ├───Moor Lane
│ │ │ │ ├───Highlands
│ │ │ │ └───Inglewood & Others
│ │ │ ├───Multi views
│ │ │ ├───Peel Place
│ │ │ ├───Railway Station
│ │ │ ├───River Wharfe
│ │ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ │ ├───Schools - class photos
│ │ │ ├───Southfield Road
│ │ │ ├───St Marys Church
│ │ │ ├───Station Road
│ │ │ ├───The Lawn
│ │ │ ├───The Rec (Recreation Ground)
│ │ │ ├───Weir & Stepping stones
│ │ │ ├───Wharfeside
│ │ │ └───Woodhead
│ │ ├───Gunton - 1902 - ebay files
│ │ ├───Hartleys Reservoir - Stead - Gunton
│ │ ├───Highfield House Burley Woodhead
│ │ ├───Ilkley 1867 Land Sale Exhibition
│ │ ├───Ilkley Civic Society - Mike Dixon Collection
│ │ ├───Ken Johnson 1970s (Dad)
│ │ ├───Main Street Maps - Gunton
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Shillitoe - Denise
│ │ └───Steph Hardisty - Burley Barbers
│ ├───Hall - Frank B
│ ├───Hannam (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Hardiment - Ben (see MAP - 1741 Map)
│ ├───Hardisty - Steph - Burley Barbers - Images of Burley
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Harrison - William Billy Bumper
│ ├───Hebblethwaite (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Hill - Mary
│ ├───Hobson - William - Gardener Scalebor Hospital
│ ├───Hodgson - John and Faith - Greenholme Gatehouse or Lodge
│ ├───Hodson - James (Burley Grange)
│ │ └───James Hodson will - download from Probate service
│ ├───Hooper - Nicholas (The Hermit pub history)
│ │ └───Hermit-Hainsworth - Nick Hooper
│ ├───Horsfall (Burley in Wharfedale)(see Crofton)
│ │ ├───1846 Burley Hall conveyance - Burley Archive
│ │ ├───Horsfall - Martha
│ │ ├───Horsfall - Thomas m Martha
│ │ └───Horsfall - Thomas Moss d1905
│ ├───Horsman - Leslie (Les) Football Cricket Newsagent
│ ├───Horton - John & Yvette (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───1922 War memorial balance sheet
│ │ ├───AFS - Auxillary Fire Service
│ │ ├───Cricket Photos
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Demolition West Terrace
│ │ ├───Grange Road Back Lane The Lawn wall flood photos
│ │ ├───Horton Files - Newman
│ │ ├───More Yvette Horton
│ │ ├───Newspaper clippings Yvette Horton
│ │ ├───Properties list
│ │ ├───Yvette Horton photos
│ │ │ ├───2003 Calendar pics
│ │ │ └───Aerial views
│ │ ├───Yvette Laptop
│ │ │ ├───Burley then and now
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley photos - then
│ │ │ │ └───Burley photos 2000
│ │ │ ├───disc misc 2
│ │ │ ├───disc msc 1 - aeromodellers
│ │ │ ├───Misc Burley from Internet
│ │ │ │ └───Building Burley by pass
│ │ │ ├───My Pictures
│ │ │ └───Yvette Horton photos
│ │ └───Yvette papers
│ ├───Howard nee Ripley (Sylvia)(Rose Queen 1953)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Hutchinson
│ ├───Ibbetson or Ibbotson (Denton Hall)
│ ├───Illingworth - Jim (new tractor tread 1950)
│ ├───Jackson - Janet (Postcards - Burley and Woodhead
│ ├───James - John (writer)
│ ├───Jarvis - Tommy
│ ├───Jenkins - Peter
│ │ └───1900 Land Sale 13 plots Burley - Station Road - Peter Jenkins
│ ├───Johnson - Ken
│ ├───Kelley - John (Horsfall Terrace)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Killick - Henry Fison (solicitor) nephew William Fison
│ ├───Kilner - Gillian (Jill)
│ ├───King - Percival Edgar (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ │ ├───Gods Acre - Percival King Grave - Grinham
│ │ └───Optimised Percival E King
│ ├───Kirkbright - Arthur (Burley Alphabet Rhyme)
│ ├───Laidler - Rachel Taylor
│ ├───Lamond - Ian (photographer)
│ ├───Lawrence - William (Scalebor Park school)
│ ├───Lawton - Ron
│ ├───Laycock - Mark - Duke of Wellington's Shoulder Flash 2024
│ ├───Layfield - Jack
│ ├───Lenor - Dr (White Rose Cottage)
│ ├───Lewis - Private (soldier)
│ ├───Lockwood - J and Son Chemists
│ ├───Lofthouse - John - Burley Family History Photos
│ ├───Longstaffe
│ ├───Lupton - GR H Mann JL Mann W Marshall WW1 pdfs
│ ├───Lupton - John (1840-1915) Butcher, Diary
│ ├───Mann
│ │ ├───Lister Mann - Kathryn Shapland
│ │ └───Mann - Lister also see ENQ - Shapland
│ ├───Mann - Colin (younger brother Peter Mann)
│ ├───Mann - Peter (Photo Collection)(d2022)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Marsden - Sam - Football medal 1926-27 - Boocock
│ ├───Maude (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ └───Maude - Thomas
│ ├───Maufe - Muff - Moor Lane
│ ├───Middleton - Ian (Burley artist)
│ ├───Mitchell - William H. (Director Wm Fisons & Co)(The Highlands)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Moody
│ ├───Moore (landowner)(Colston House)
│ ├───Moss - Gillian
│ ├───Mountain - Ben & Moody, Elsie
│ ├───Neary - Austin (tower crane Generous Pioneers site 2022 onwards
│ ├───Newbould - Frank
│ ├───Newman - Karen BLH&AG document transcriber
│ ├───Newman - Michael Henry (1929-2022)
│ ├───Newsome - Arthur see BUS - Arthur Newsome Ltd
│ ├───Newton - Ernest (architect)(The Highlands)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Normington - Harry (1884-1946)(Sandholme Garage)
│ │ └───Normington - Sally Gunton
│ ├───OConnor - Rachel (Pickard family Burley and Woodhead)
│ │ └───Burley and Woodhead WW1 War Dead images
│ ├───Padgett - Paul (Clevedon House School Magazines)
│ ├───Patchett - Greystone Manor (Walton House)
│ ├───Peace - Prof Richard (1933-2013) b BinW
│ ├───Pearson - Reina
│ ├───Pedley - Malcolm
│ ├───Peel - Robert
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Robert Peel - info
│ ├───Penny - Deborah nee Thorpe
│ ├───Pepper (Cathedine)
│ ├───Pickles
│ ├───Pollit - John Robert (The Knoll and Hollin Nook)
│ ├───Preston - Harry etc (Football War Memorial)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Pullan - A E (naturalist)
│ ├───Pullan - Graham (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Pulleyn of Yorkshire (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Rathmell
│ ├───Rayner (Blacksmith)
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───The Forge
│ ├───Rennison, Barry - buses
│ ├───Renton - Shaun (Midgley Road images)
│ ├───Renwick - James (publisher)
│ ├───Roe - Dina (Fairbank will 1764)
│ ├───Rouse (Colston House)
│ │ └───see FAM - Emsley - Thomas
│ ├───Rowson - Geoffrey (Rose Farm, Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Seed
│ ├───Senior - Job (The Hermit)
│ ├───Settle - Peter (Burley Moor map and Corner Shop)
│ │ └───Sophie Crofton v Burley Urban District Council 1900 Map
│ ├───Shackleton - Jane (Woodhead School & Burley Cricket)
│ ├───Shelton - Jim
│ ├───Shepherd - John (1816-1902)(Shepherd Hill and Co)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Slater - Jim
│ ├───Small - Peter (Burley United AFC)
│ ├───Smith - John Kirby (Guiseley - Miscellany Image)
│ │ ├───17 sep 2020
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2nd Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Guiseley Official Town Guide
│ │ └───Research Octagonal
│ ├───Smyth - Chris - Burley Railway - Mills Walk
│ │ ├───Beating The Bounds
│ │ └───Mills Walk - 2024
│ ├───Speed - Bruce
│ ├───Speight - Harry (author)
│ ├───Squire - John
│ ├───Stansfeld - Hamer (1797-1865) (Burley Grange)
│ ├───Stead - Fl Lt RAF
│ ├───Steinthal - Emeline (Petrie)(Stead)(Mary Chorley)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Stoddart - Jackie - Photos
│ ├───Stokes - Simon (ACC0589)
│ │ └───BinW Sports Club Recipe Book - Simon Stokes
│ ├───Stradling - Ella
│ ├───Summersgill (Lewis Buildings Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ └───Summersgill
│ ├───Sumner - Tom
│ ├───Swain - William (professional cricketer)(1827-1910)
│ │ ├───Linda Carter images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Thomas Swain info
│ ├───Taylor - Arthur and dau Liz Taylor images
│ │ └───Link to Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club - Cricket
│ ├───Taylor - Mr & Mrs - BUS - Wm Fison & Co Ltd
│ ├───The Wills of Burley residents
│ ├───Thompson - Dean (Burley Angels football team plus other school)
│ ├───Thorne - Arthur
│ │ └───Thorne
│ ├───Town - Laurence (1895-1969)(Book binder)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Trench - James Knights (Burley Hall 1940s)
│ │ ├───James Knights Trench
│ │ │ ├───Arthur W Trench
│ │ │ ├───David Trench
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate related info
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ │ ├───West Riding Home Guard
│ │ │ └───Wives
│ │ ├───Operation Moon - Burley Hall Cotopa Sandoz
│ │ │ ├───Background Info
│ │ │ ├───SOE - scientific secrets
│ │ │ ├───SOE Ultimate Deception - Bruce
│ │ │ └───Station12 SOE SecretWeapons - Des Turner
│ │ └───Wendy Scott
│ ├───Turner - J Horsfall (writer)
│ ├───Unknown groups of people
│ ├───Valentine - Dr Jim (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ ├───Vavasour (Stead Hall)(Weston Hall)
│ ├───Waddington - Scalebor
│ ├───Wadsworth - Malcolm (ACC0595)
│ │ ├───drive-download-20231202T214207Z-001
│ │ ├───Optimised
│ │ └───Souvenir Postcards
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Walker - Jeremiah (Midge Hall)
│ ├───Walker - Mervyn (tree surgeon)
│ ├───Warburton (brass bands & garage)
│ ├───Ward - Mrs Mary Humphrey nee Arnold (see Forster)
│ ├───Warwick - Dennis and Margaret
│ │ └───Greenholme Mills Remembered Again originals
│ │ ├───GMRA cover illustrations
│ │ └───GMRA illustrations
│ ├───Watson - William (1858-1935)(poet)
│ ├───Welbourne - David (1947-2024)
│ ├───Wheatley - John - fb Ilkley Memories
│ ├───Whitaker (Greenholme)
│ ├───White - Sheila and Geoffrey
│ ├───Wilkinson - Tom (Actor) b Burley in Wharfedale
│ ├───Williams - Denis (Collection)
│ ├───Williams - Rhona (sister of Denis Williams)
│ ├───Wilson - Matthew (Burley Manor & Moor bought 1795)
│ │ └───Wilson - Burley Hall
│ └───Winder - Les (rambler lives Otley grew up Burley)
├───FILM - Film, Videos, Stills, Oral History
│ ├───Bradford Whit Walk 1946
│ ├───Burley, Past, Present & Future (1998)
│ ├───Interviews Cassettes with transcripts
│ │ ├───BCC Handbook 1999
│ │ ├───Canadian Economy
│ │ ├───Cassette Tape Label Pics
│ │ ├───Geoff Banks - Rhona Williams
│ │ ├───George Thorne
│ │ ├───George Thorne Extracts
│ │ ├───Mary Hill
│ │ ├───Miss M.Simpson 28011985
│ │ └───Mrs White - Harry Driver
│ ├───It Happened Today - West Riding Constabulary
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Salem 154th Anniv Service TV Broadcast July 1994
│ └───Videos - Interviews
│ ├───Bennett Williams Interview 16072001
│ ├───Clara Livesey Interview 30102000
│ ├───Dick Hargrave Interview 16102000
│ ├───Doris Lomas interview 22012001
│ ├───Ella Stradling Interview 17082000
│ └───Frank Newbould Interview 27062000
├───GEN - General
│ ├───Books scanned
│ ├───Burley Village Calendar photos - Gunton
│ └───Events
│ ├───1889 Burley Industrial Exhibition
│ ├───Burley Feast Great Pudding
│ ├───Burley Fete - Burley Middle School
│ ├───Jubilee Garden Opening Ceremony - people - Main Street
│ └───Optimised
├───GOV - Governance
│ ├───Aireborough Urban District Council
│ ├───Airedale Community Health Council
│ ├───Bradford Metropolitan District Council (1974 onwards)
│ │ ├───1999 Village Design Statement
│ │ └───BMDC - Burley Conservation Area - notes
│ │ └───Listed Buildings Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Local Board of Health (1854-1895)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Urban District Council (BUDC)(1895-1937)
│ │ ├───0593 sewage related docs - drive-download-20231104T141253Z-001
│ │ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Fire Brigade 1908
│ │ └───Sewage Works docs transcribed K Newman
│ ├───Burley Parish Council (2006 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Township (upto 1854)
│ │ ├───Burley Bills - 1782-1793
│ │ ├───See DIR - Directories - Burley Trade Directories
│ │ ├───See DIR - Directories - Electoral Roll 1841 1848 and 1851
│ │ └───See POP - Population Studies and Info - Electoral Rolls
│ ├───Coal Authority (Burley Moor)(Rombalds Moor)
│ ├───Domesday Book 1086
│ │ └───BBC - Domesday project Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Govt - Census Information
│ │ ├───1891 CD
│ │ ├───1901 CDs x2
│ │ │ ├───CD1 - Transcripts Burley and Otley spreadsheets
│ │ │ └───CD2 - RE13 4063 Burley in Wharfedale
│ │ └───1911 CD
│ │ └───Burley 1911 Census J Peg
│ ├───Govt - Factories Inquiry Commission 1833
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax 1883-1884 Valuation - Burley
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax 1910 Valuation - Burley 535
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax Records 1909 Burley
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of Transport now Dept of Transport
│ │ ├───1936 Otley By-pass
│ │ ├───Burley A65_A660 Bypass
│ │ │ ├───By Pass
│ │ │ ├───By Pass Redirection of the river
│ │ │ ├───Collins - Elizabeth
│ │ │ ├───Darwin - Julia images
│ │ │ ├───Horton - Yvette images
│ │ │ ├───Mitchell - Jon
│ │ │ ├───Newspaper Cuttings
│ │ │ ├───Sowden - Pam & Dave
│ │ │ └───Stoddart - Jackie - Building Burley by pass
│ │ │ └───Stoddart
│ │ ├───Turnpike Trusts
│ │ └───Wharfedale Trunk Road
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of War Office - WW1
│ │ ├───4th West Riding Howitzers - Otley Burley Ilkley
│ │ ├───A World War - maps
│ │ ├───BLH&AG Panels for exhibition
│ │ ├───Burley District related cuttings info etc
│ │ ├───Duke of Wellington's Regiment
│ │ ├───Ellis - Jack (See FAM - Ellis)
│ │ ├───Expanded pdfs from WW1 research
│ │ ├───Military Operations Fr and Belgium book 1914
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Weaponry 1914
│ │ └───Women at War - WW1
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of War Office - WW2
│ │ ├───Canadian WW2 Memorial see BUI - War Memorials
│ │ ├───End of World War 2
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Evacuees WW2
│ │ ├───Home Guard and Auxiliary Fire Service
│ │ └───VE and VJ Day
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Ilkley Parish Council - (1974 - 2006)
│ ├───Ilkley Urban District Council (1937-1974) (Ilkley UDC)
│ │ ├───Burley Demolition Slum Clearance
│ │ └───Hutments Burley Woodhead Optimised
│ ├───Land Registry (Tithes, Conveyances & Deeds)
│ ├───Leeds City Corporation (Trackless Trams)
│ ├───Leeds Regional Hospital Board (Scalebor Park Hospital)(1930-1974)
│ ├───National Archives - Burley related records
│ ├───National Health Service 1948 onwards
│ ├───Otley Urban District Council (OUDC)
│ ├───West Riding Constabulary (Police) - see FILM - It Happened Today
│ ├───West Riding of Yorkshire County Council (WRYCC) - Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ ├───1922 Wedding Present - Hogg
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Air Yorkshire Aviation Society - Scalebor Gala 1965
│ │ ├───Coffee Pot - Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ ├───Foundation Stone 1899
│ │ ├───Gunton - Newspaper Cuttings
│ │ ├───High Royds Hospital (Menston)
│ │ ├───Highlands
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Images 1990 gala - Norman Cawood
│ │ ├───New Admissions Unit
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images2
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital - Rita Birkett
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital League of Friends
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital Plan - Archive
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Railway - construction Isaac Gould
│ │ ├───Staff
│ │ └───West Lodge School of Nursing
│ ├───West Riding of Yorkshire County Council (WRYCC) - The Court Boys Home (Cathedine)
│ ├───Wharfedale Rural District Council
│ └───York County - West Riding 1841 governance
├───MAP - Maps and Plans
│ ├───1741 Burley Map - Ben Hardiment
│ ├───1908 Leeds Rotherham Sheffield
│ ├───Maps - National Library of Scotland - OS
│ └───oldmaps co uk
├───NEWS - Papers, Magazines, articles about Burley District
│ ├───Burley - Wharfedale Pictorial 1935 - Gunton
│ ├───Burley - Wharfedale Pictorial 1937 - Gunton
│ ├───NEWS - British Newspaper Archive (BNA)
│ │ ├───Belfast Newsletter (38)
│ │ ├───Birmingham Daily Mail (644)
│ │ ├───Bradford Daily Telegraph (629)
│ │ ├───Bradford Observer (155)
│ │ ├───Children's Newspaper
│ │ ├───Daily Mail (Hull) (324)
│ │ ├───Daily Mirror (560)
│ │ ├───District News (Todmorden) (1940)
│ │ ├───Driffield Times & General Advertiser (1065)
│ │ ├───Evening Chronicle (North East)(726)
│ │ ├───Evening News (North East) (2077)
│ │ ├───Forres Elgin & Nairn Gazette (2172)
│ │ ├───Hampstead & Highgate Express (1981)
│ │ ├───Huddersfield Daily Examiner (901)
│ │ ├───Ilkley Gazette (985)
│ │ ├───Leeds & Yorkshire Mercury (747)
│ │ ├───Leeds Intelligencer (193) and (236) and (268)
│ │ ├───Leeds Mercury (76) and (748)
│ │ ├───Leeds Patriot (371)
│ │ ├───Leeds Times (336)
│ │ ├───Liverpool Echo (271)
│ │ ├───Manchester Courier & Lancashire Gen. Advertiser (206)
│ │ ├───Morning Post (London) (174)
│ │ ├───Norfolk & Suffolk Journal and Diss Express (1528)
│ │ ├───Northern Daily Mail (378)
│ │ ├───Oxfordshire Weekly News (2304)
│ │ ├───Reading Mercury, Oxf Gazette et al County Paper (369)
│ │ ├───Rochdale Observer (310)
│ │ ├───Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (181)
│ │ ├───Sheffield Daily Independent (1464)
│ │ ├───Sheffield Daily Telegraph (250)
│ │ ├───Shipley Times & Express (1711)
│ │ ├───The Bucks Herald (270)
│ │ ├───The Daily Independent (1465)
│ │ ├───The Globe (London) (1652)
│ │ ├───The Guardian
│ │ ├───The Journal (2240)
│ │ ├───The News and Advertiser (2046) (Todmorden)
│ │ ├───The Standard (London) (183)
│ │ ├───The Sunday Tribune (2321)
│ │ ├───The Tatler (1853)
│ │ ├───The Todmorden Advertiser (2124)
│ │ ├───Westmoreland Gazette (399)
│ │ ├───Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (1823)
│ │ ├───York Herald (186) and (498) and (499)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Evening Post (273)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Gazette (266)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Herald (500)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Post (687)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer (686)
│ │ └───__ Star and Daily Herald (1708)
│ ├───NEWS - Weather
│ │ ├───Floods - 1930 1935 1956 and others
│ │ └───Snow - 1947
│ ├───News Cuttings - unknown source - black folder
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1935 - Gunton
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1936 - Gunton
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1937 - Gunton
│ └───Wharfedale Pictorial 1938 - Gunton
├───OBJ - Objects Images
│ └───Object Snips
│ └───Optimised Object Snips
├───ORG - Organisations Burley District & Others
│ ├───Aireborough Historical Society
│ ├───Baildon Brass Band (1902 Coronation Procession)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Bingley Moor Partnership (Burley Moor)
│ ├───BOBS Eagles - Burley & Otley Bicycle Speedway
│ ├───Bradford Angling Association - fishing R. Wharfe Burley
│ ├───Bradford Antiquary
│ ├───Bradford Libraries Map Files
│ ├───Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors
│ ├───British Women's Advisory Council (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Burley & District Brass Band
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Valerie Vellani
│ ├───Burley & District Chamber of Trade (BADCOT)(upto 2019)
│ ├───Burley & Greenholme Cricket Club (1852)
│ ├───Burley & Menston Civil Charities
│ ├───Burley Bowling Club (Grange Park)
│ │ ├───Bowling Club History booklet
│ │ ├───Burley Bowling Green history - Dennis Wawick
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Bridge Association
│ │ ├───BBA Planning App 2023
│ │ └───Burley Bridge Campaign - 2004 report
│ ├───Burley BT Race to Infinity 2011-2012
│ ├───Burley Chess Club
│ ├───Burley Community Council (1976-2006)
│ │ ├───1999 Village Design Statement doc scan - see GOV - BMDC
│ │ ├───BCC AGMs
│ │ ├───BCCmins03-09
│ │ └───early BCC photos - Dennis Warwick
│ ├───Burley Conservative Association
│ ├───Burley East End Allotment - Co-Op Society
│ ├───Burley Feast - Annually - October
│ ├───Burley Gardeners Association
│ │ └───Burley Gardeners Show 2002
│ ├───Burley House Field Campaign
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale & District Round Table
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Amateurs (Drama)(1923)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Athletics Club (1878)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Charity Gala Association (1903 - )
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Choral Society - 1914
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust (BWCT)
│ │ ├───2019
│ │ ├───BWCT minutes
│ │ ├───Christmas Lights
│ │ ├───Duck Race - River Wharfe
│ │ │ ├───2017
│ │ │ └───2019
│ │ ├───Hanging Baskets
│ │ ├───Pudding tree (Main Street)
│ │ ├───Scalebor Sports Ground
│ │ ├───Village Green
│ │ ├───Village Green - New fountain
│ │ └───Village Noticeboards
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Freehold Gardens Society (HS Chorley)(Atkinson)
│ │ └───West End Allotments
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Library
│ │ └───Library building refurbishment progress photos (2019)
│ │ └───Optimised resized
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club (Burley in Wharfedale CC)
│ │ ├───Lofthouse images
│ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ ├───See FAM - Elsworth - Josie
│ │ ├───See FAM - Horton - John & Yvette Cricket Photos
│ │ ├───See FAM - Shackleton - Jane
│ │ └───See FAM - Stokes - Simon Recipe Book
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Woodhead & District Horticultural Fur & Feather Society
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Lions Amateur Rugby League Football Club 2008-13
│ │ ├───Extract
│ │ └───Optimised BL ARLFC
│ ├───Burley Local History & Archive Group (BLH&AG)
│ │ ├───2018 Nov Exhibition - snipped photos
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2024 Sept Archive Room
│ │ │ └───drive-download-20240921T104642Z-001
│ │ ├───2024 Sun 18th August Gazebo volunteers poster
│ │ ├───Archive extension notes
│ │ ├───Archive Room 2023
│ │ ├───archive room 2024 drive-download-20240609T211143Z-001
│ │ ├───Archive Room Oct 2024 drive-download-20241007T092503Z-001
│ │ ├───BHT Image Snips
│ │ │ └───Optimised
│ │ ├───BLH&AG Photos Armistice Exhibition Nov 2018
│ │ ├───Burley History Trail (BHT) - Martin Ross
│ │ │ └───BHT photos
│ │ ├───BWCT - Panels - John Kelly
│ │ ├───Dearing - Robin BWCT
│ │ ├───drive-download-20220726T111517Z-001
│ │ ├───Heritage Open Days (HOD)
│ │ ├───HOD Optimised
│ │ ├───HOD Quiz - Mary Bowes
│ │ ├───HOD Quiz Answers Images - Karen Newman
│ │ ├───Members
│ │ ├───Members List
│ │ ├───Mens Shed visit 16th Nov 2022
│ │ ├───Mystery Package - 03-11-2023
│ │ ├───NatWest Bank details etc
│ │ ├───Newman - Karen
│ │ └───Website - page by page text
│ ├───Burley Luncheon Club (2003)
│ ├───Burley Mens Shed
│ ├───Burley Middle School PTA
│ ├───Burley Millenium Theatre Group
│ ├───Burley Minstrel Troupe
│ ├───Burley Old Peoples Welfare Association (1954-2000)
│ ├───Burley Over 50s Club
│ ├───Burley Players (Amateur Dramatics)
│ ├───Burley Probus Club
│ ├───Burley Rifle Club (Burley Social Club)
│ │ ├───Burley Social Club drive-download
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Rifle Volunteer Corps - Forster
│ ├───Burley String Band (1881 and 1918)
│ ├───Burley Summer Festival (2009 - 2019)
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009 Photos CD1
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009 Photos CD2
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2010
│ │ │ └───Fun Run - Malcolm Fisher
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2011
│ │ │ └───2011 Burley Moor Run
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2013 - Gary Bowkett
│ │ │ ├───Bowls
│ │ │ ├───Car show
│ │ │ ├───Craft Market
│ │ │ ├───Cycle BBC
│ │ │ ├───Dog show
│ │ │ ├───Farmers mkt
│ │ │ ├───Flower show
│ │ │ ├───Lion BBQ
│ │ │ ├───Misc
│ │ │ ├───Scarecrows
│ │ │ ├───Silsdon Band in Park
│ │ │ └───Traction engines
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2015
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2019
│ │ │ └───Classic Cars 2019
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2023
│ │ └───Moor Run 2012
│ ├───Burley Trojans Ladies FC (2004 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Trojans Mens FC
│ ├───Burley Wesley Cricket Club
│ │ └───24th jan 2020 Burley Wesley snippets
│ ├───Burley Youth Club - Sun Lane
│ ├───Burley Youth Forum (1996)
│ ├───Catenian Association - catholic mens club
│ ├───Christian Aid Committee
│ ├───Commonwealth War Graves
│ ├───Dales Countryside Museum
│ ├───Dementia Friends (Burley)
│ ├───Environment Agency
│ ├───Feast of the Great Pudding (Burley Feast)(October)
│ ├───Good Neighbours
│ ├───Grange Club (The Grange)(Burley Grange)
│ ├───Greenholme Girls Sports Club
│ ├───Greenholme Lawn Tennis Club
│ ├───Greenholme Mills and St Mary's Girls Club (1922-1935)
│ ├───Historic England
│ │ └───HE AM Maps Optimised Images
│ ├───Houseprices.io (Lidar imagery)
│ ├───Ilkley History Hub
│ ├───Ilkley Hospital and Convalescent Home Foundation
│ ├───Ilkley Museum and Historical Society - Ilkley U3A
│ ├───Institute of Civil Engineers (Greenholme Mills)
│ ├───Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Greenholme Mills)
│ ├───Ladies Please Choir - Burley
│ ├───Leeds Anglers Fishing Association - Malt Shovel
│ ├───Leeds Co-Operative Society
│ ├───Leeds Hospital Fund
│ ├───Leeds Library (See Thoresby Society, YAS, Leeds University)
│ ├───Leeds University Library records - Burley related
│ │ └───Fawkes of Farnley Collection
│ ├───Maritime Archaelogical Trust
│ ├───Mens Shed - Burley
│ ├───Menston Archive
│ ├───Mothers For Peace (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Mothers Union
│ ├───National Archives (Domesday Book)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───National Archives - Burley records
│ ├───National Library of Scotland (NLS)
│ ├───Northern Antiquarian (megalithix) (Burley Moor)(Rombalds Moor)
│ ├───Otley Museum & Archive Trust
│ ├───Otley Parish Church (Fison & Whitaker windows)
│ │ └───Otley Cemetery - Andrew Gilliland Photos
│ ├───Researchgate (Greenholme Mills - gasworks)
│ ├───Ryedale Folk Museum - Jennifer Smith
│ ├───Schools - see EDU - Education Folder
│ ├───Scouts & Guides Association
│ │ ├───Girl Guides Brownies
│ │ └───Scouts Cubs
│ ├───Secret Leeds Library
│ ├───Skipton Castle
│ ├───St John Ambulance Association
│ ├───St Marys Players (1950s)(Amateur Dramatics)
│ ├───St Marys Youth Fellowship
│ ├───Tereli
│ ├───The Arts Society Saltaire (TASS)
│ ├───Thoresby Society (See also Leeds University & YAS)
│ ├───Toyo University - Yasuhito Sato
│ ├───U3A Ilkley - Scrapbooks
│ ├───Walkers Are Welcome - Burley
│ ├───West Riding Anglers - Greenholme R. Wharfe
│ ├───West Yorkshire Archaeology Service
│ ├───West Yorkshire Archive Service - Bradford
│ ├───Wharfedale & District Aeromodellers - John Horton
│ ├───Wharfedale Agricultural Society (Otley Show)
│ ├───Wharfedale Family History Group (WFHG) (BMDs St Marys & Salem)
│ ├───Wharfedale Floral and Horticultural Society
│ ├───Wharfedale Folk Dance Association (Mary Chorley)
│ ├───Wharfedale Miniature Railway - Ilkley Road - 1940s
│ ├───Wharfedale Musical Festival (Ilkley)
│ ├───Wharfedale Wanderers
│ ├───Womens Institute (Burley Branch)
│ ├───Workers Educational Association (WEA)
│ │ ├───WEA Tutorial Group visit 1984 or 1985
│ │ └───WEA Tutorial Group visit Greenholme Mills Oct 1983
│ ├───Yeadon Sailing Club (Sir Guy Fison)
│ ├───Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society (YAS)(See Thoresby Society)
│ ├───Yorkshire Ladies Council of Education (YLCE) see Chorley, Mary
│ └───Youth Hostel Association (YHA) - Burley Woodhead
├───POP - Population studies, info, census
│ ├───1841 West Riding Polling
│ ├───Burley and Woodhead and Stead 1911 Census sheets images
│ ├───Census 1901
│ ├───Electoral Roll files - Gunton
│ │ ├───1922 Electoral Roll Burley
│ │ ├───1946 Electoral Roll Burley
│ │ ├───Electoral Registers Burley
│ │ │ ├───1927-8 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1928-9 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1929-30 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1930-1 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1931-2 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1932-3 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1933-4 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1934-5 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1935-6 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1936-7 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1937-8 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1938-9 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1939-40
│ │ │ ├───1940
│ │ │ ├───1941
│ │ │ ├───1942
│ │ │ ├───1943
│ │ │ ├───1944
│ │ │ ├───1945 Civillian Register
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme ward
│ │ │ ├───1946 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1947
│ │ │ ├───1948
│ │ │ ├───1949 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward 1949
│ │ │ │ └───Holme ward 1949
│ │ │ └───1959-61 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ ├───Holme Ward
│ │ │ └───Woodhead Ward
│ │ └───Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1848 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1849 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1850 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1851 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1852 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1853 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1854 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1855 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1856 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1857 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1858 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1859 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1860 none
│ │ ├───1861 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1862 none
│ │ ├───1863 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1864 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1865 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1866 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1867 none
│ │ ├───1868 none
│ │ ├───1869 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1870 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1871 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1872 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1873 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1874 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1875 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1876 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1877 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1878 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1879 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1880 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1881 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1882 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1883 none
│ │ ├───1884 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1885 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1886 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1887 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1888 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1889 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1890 none
│ │ ├───1891 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1892 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1893 Burley Electoral Rol
│ │ ├───1894 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1895 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1896 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1897 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1898 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1899 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1900 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1901 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1902 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1903 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1904 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1905 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1906 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1907 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1908 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1909 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1910 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1911 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1912 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1913 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1914 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1915 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1916 none
│ │ ├───1917 none
│ │ ├───1918 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Division 1
│ │ │ └───Division 2 & 3
│ │ ├───1919 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Division 1
│ │ │ └───Division 2 & 3
│ │ ├───1920 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1921 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1922 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1923 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1924 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1925 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1926 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1927 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1935 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1937 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ ├───1946 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ └───1949 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───Burley Ward 1949
│ │ └───Holme ward 1949
│ └───Electoral Rolls
├───REL - Religion
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Methodists (See Wesleyan Chapel)
│ ├───Catholic Church (SS John Fisher & Thomas More)
│ ├───Gods Acre Cemetery - Burley
│ ├───Methodist Church St Johns - Burley
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Primitive Methodists 1810-1932
│ ├───Salem Congregational Church & Hall (Main Street Burley)
│ ├───St Marys Parish Church, Vicarage & Parish Centre
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Wesleyan Chapel & Sunday School (Burley Woodhead)
│ └───Yorkshire Quaker Heritage Project
├───RES - Research
│ ├───Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA)
│ ├───Books
│ ├───Bradford - MS views pre-Broadway
│ ├───Bradford Local Studies Library
│ ├───Google
│ ├───Measurements
│ │ └───Measurements - The University of Nottingham_files
│ ├───Photography - historic
│ ├───Save our Stones website
│ │ └───All Pictures - Save Our Stones_files
│ ├───Thoresby Society
│ └───Yorkshire Deeds - Stede Burley etc
├───SCA - Scanned Documents
│ └───indenture scans may 2023
├───SPO - Sport
│ ├───Association Football
│ │ ├───Association Football - BLHAG laptop
│ │ │ └───Optimised images post 1940
│ │ ├───BNA Football Downloads
│ │ ├───Horsforth Football
│ │ └───webpage images
│ │ └───Opitimised images
│ ├───Athletics
│ ├───Cricket
│ │ └───Cricket Optimised images
│ ├───Rugby Union
│ │ └───Burley Old Football Club
│ ├───Wharfedale Horse Races
│ └───Womens Cricket and other sports
│ ├───Cricket and England - social history of cricket
│ ├───Optimised Images
│ └───womens cricket - BNA
├───TRA - Transport (for Rail see BUS - Midland Railways)
│ ├───Bus Services
│ │ ├───Annison Bull Otley
│ │ ├───Antichan - Jules S
│ │ │ ├───Abily - Charles
│ │ │ ├───downloads 21112019
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Ashworth - Mike illustrations etc
│ │ │ └───3 point perspective
│ │ │ └───ashworth
│ │ ├───Harrogate info
│ │ │ ├───22 11 2019
│ │ │ ├───downloads 21112019
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate Road Car - Hepworth info
│ │ │ │ └───Hepworth family
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate WYRCC
│ │ │ └───Steam buses info
│ │ ├───Lawson - Alex images
│ │ ├───Ledgard - Samuel
│ │ ├───Leeds Corporation Transport LCT
│ │ ├───Lockwood - Andrew images
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Molinari - Stephen images
│ │ ├───Optimised images - all sections
│ │ │ └───Optimised images - Ledgard
│ │ ├───Rathmell - Fred
│ │ │ ├───Adrian Rathmell - images
│ │ │ │ └───Steve Hallan
│ │ │ └───Cream Bus Service Ltd
│ │ │ ├───Arthur Sunley coach trips c1951
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Stage Coach services
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ ├───West Yorkshire Road Car
│ │ └───Yorkshire Rider Gold Rider
│ ├───Charabancs
│ │ └───Charabancs - optimised
│ ├───Personal Transport
│ └───Trackless Trams (see GOV - Leeds City Corporation)
│ ├───1915 Trackless Trams Menston - Dale Smith
│ ├───Ashworth - Mike images
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Electrical Review Journal 1911 - TTs extracts
│ └───Optimised Images
└───WEB - Website Folders
├───About Us page
├───Activities and Events
│ ├───Adult Programming
│ ├───Book Fair and Markets info
│ ├───Optimised Images
│ ├───Rhyme Challenge 2018
│ ├───Story Bees - Maddie Coelho
│ ├───Summer Reading Challenge
│ └───World Book Day March 7th 2019 - Burley Library
│ └───Optimised images
├───Burley Archive
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Burley Community Library - web pages
├───Burley History .org
├───Burley in Wharfedale
│ └───webpage items
│ └───Optimised Images Burley
├───Burley Moor (need owners & dates)
│ ├───Geograph.com (image website)
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Burley Woodhead web page
│ │ └───Optimised images web page
│ ├───Jane Shackleton
│ ├───Sally Gunton - Moor House or Moorville
│ └───Woodhead images
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Covid related - 2020 to 2021
│ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Bradford Archives
│ │ └───Bradford Industrial Museum (BIM) Images
│ ├───English Heritage discussions Old Mill
│ ├───Facebook post - British Archaeology
│ ├───Google May 2017
│ ├───Greenholme Estate properties
│ │ └───Iron Row
│ ├───Greenholme Mansion or Villa or House
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Greenholme Mills - from Burley Laptop folder
│ │ ├───Not Greenholme
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───PDF
│ │ └───Stepping Stones
│ │ └───Dam Stones
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Fire 2nd July 1966 - Mrs Taylor
│ │ └───Greenholme Mills Fire 1966 - optimised
│ ├───Greenholme Partners
│ │ ├───Davison
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Fisons
│ │ │ ├───Frederick W Fison image mw118554_licence
│ │ │ ├───Not Mrs William Fison Greenholme
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Forster - William Edward
│ │ │ ├───arnold forster
│ │ │ ├───Forster - Jackson bio
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───John Greenwood Bingley
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Merryweather
│ │ ├───Richard Paley
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Walter Nicholson
│ │ ├───Whitaker
│ │ └───William Ellis
│ ├───Greenholme Redevelopment 2020
│ │ ├───2022 - Lettings
│ │ ├───Hutchinson Whitlam
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Greenwood & Whitaker and Wm Fison & Co
│ │ ├───Cotton sources etc
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Grinham photos July 2020
│ ├───Hell-Hole-Gill Otley
│ ├───John Wright image
│ ├───Mill construction
│ │ ├───Bridge Scheme
│ │ ├───Electricity
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Gas Lighting
│ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ └───Textile machinery etc
│ ├───Optimised images
│ ├───Photos from phone
│ │ ├───April 2019
│ │ ├───May 5th 2019
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Sept 2019
│ ├───Stones and Weir Tree removal project
│ │ ├───Stones images 24 Mar 2019
│ │ └───Summer 2020 - covid-19
│ ├───Stones documents etc
│ │ ├───23rd June 2013
│ │ ├───Airton Mill - Corn and Cotton_files
│ │ ├───Burley Corn Mill_files
│ │ ├───Greenholme Mills history_files
│ │ ├───Keighley families_files
│ │ ├───Papers of Ibbetson Family Denton_files
│ │ ├───Stones pics Sept 2012
│ │ ├───Stones webcam
│ │ └───Waterways Chronology from 1782 to 1791_files
│ ├───The Goit - Greenholme
│ ├───The Goits - Greenholme
│ ├───weir board
│ │ ├───Optimised
│ │ └───weirboard in Library images
│ ├───Weir, River & Stepping stones
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co - Bradford Location Maps
│ └───Wm Fison & Co workers
├───Hill Top
│ └───Optimised Images
├───In Living Memory
│ └───People
│ ├───Cooper Guiseley
│ └───Huddersfield Narrow
├───Past Events
│ ├───1887 Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee
│ ├───1897 Victoria Diamond Jubilee
│ ├───1902 Coronation
│ ├───1902 End of Boar War
│ ├───1906
│ ├───1911 Coronation
│ │ └───Optimised Images 1911
│ ├───1918
│ ├───1919 Triumphal Arch
│ ├───1923
│ ├───1930_31
│ │ └───Optimised Image 1930
│ ├───1935 Jubilee George Mary
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───1937
│ ├───1944 Salute the Soldier - see Govt WW2
│ ├───1945 VE celebrations
│ ├───1945 VJ celebrations
│ ├───1953 Queen Elizabeth Coronation
│ ├───1970 Pudding Tree felled
│ │ └───Optimised Images 1970
│ ├───1977 Silver Jubilee
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───2001
│ ├───2002 Golden Jubilee
│ ├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Fetes
│ └───Wedding Photos
├───Railway - see BUS - Midland Railways folder
│ ├───Google Images
│ ├───Nick Holmes - Clevedon House
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Optimised Images - The Mount
│ ├───Sally Gunton
│ │ └───Clevedon House Prospectus
│ └───The Mount, Stead
└───Website backup zip
└───Weebly - View Form Data_files
├───AER - Aerial Photography
│ └───Optimised images
├───BUI - Buildings & Properties
│ ├───1616 Land Survey - Solomon Swale
│ ├───Aireville Terrace
│ ├───Arc Development - Moor Lane
│ ├───Back Lane
│ ├───Beckside Close (Back of Grange Road)
│ ├───Black Bull Farm
│ │ └───Newspaper Cuttings - Gunton
│ ├───Bleach Mill (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Booth Street
│ ├───Bradford Road
│ ├───Braeside (Moor Lane)
│ ├───Buildings not in Burley District
│ │ └───Ilkley photos
│ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ ├───1911 Deeds Burley Hall
│ │ ├───1946 Deeds Burley Hall
│ │ ├───Burley Hall - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Burley House - Burley Court
│ │ ├───Burley Court (Burley House)
│ │ ├───Burley House - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ ├───Google Burley House 2008
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Burley House Field
│ │ ├───Burley House Field
│ │ └───Optimised BHF
│ ├───Burley Library - refurbishment
│ ├───Burley Lodge
│ │ └───Newspaper Cuttings - Gunton
│ ├───Burley Moor
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Mills research - see FAM - Clark, Alan
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Quarry
│ ├───Cathedine - Station Road
│ │ ├───1994 Gunton The Court
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Cathedine
│ │ ├───Cathedine Blackwood The Court - newspaper cuttings - Gunton
│ │ │ └───Cathedine The Court 1994 - Sally Gunton
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───The Court Boys Home - GOV WRCC - Boys Home
│ ├───Chapel Fold Burley Woodhead (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───Colston Beck (Burley Moor) - Gunton
│ ├───Colston House see also BUS - Milk MB
│ │ ├───Colston Lodge
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Cornmill & Pond
│ │ └───Harrison Robinson Oct 2024 995k images
│ ├───Coronation Row
│ ├───Craignook - 11 Southfield Road
│ ├───Denton Park Estate
│ ├───Dial House Photos
│ │ └───Charles Prest - Photos 2014
│ ├───Elm Grove
│ ├───Endor Crescent
│ ├───Esscroft House or Manor
│ ├───Farr Royd (Sun Lane)
│ ├───Farr Royd Terrace - 3
│ ├───Fellowship Barn - Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Fenton Street
│ ├───Fountains - Village
│ │ ├───1982 Fountain of LIfe
│ │ ├───2016 Fountain Jct Main St
│ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ └───Thomas Clark - Recreation Ground
│ ├───Gib Field and High Stead Farm Sale 1955
│ ├───Grange Flat above ex-PO Station Road
│ ├───Grange Park - see EDU - Grange Park Day Centre
│ ├───Grange Road
│ ├───Grange Road - 18
│ ├───Grange Road Health Centre
│ ├───Grangefield Avenue
│ ├───Grangefield Avenue 37 - The Grange Plan
│ │ └───KN Files
│ ├───Great Pasture
│ ├───Greenholme Estate - cottages farm housing
│ │ └───Greenholme House or Mansion
│ ├───Greenholme Mills housing development
│ ├───Greenholme Old Mill
│ ├───Hag Farm (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Hag Farm Road
│ ├───Hall Close
│ ├───Hall Drive
│ ├───Hanover Housing
│ ├───Hawthorne Grove
│ ├───Highfield House - Moor Road Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Highlands - Moor Lane
│ ├───Hill Top - Main Street
│ ├───Hilltop Farm Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Holme Grove
│ ├───Horsfall Terrace - Main Street
│ ├───Ilkley Moor
│ ├───Ilkley Road
│ ├───Iron Row
│ ├───Johnson's Yard off Main Street
│ ├───Jubilee Gardens 2011
│ ├───Kaye's Row or Kaye's Buildings (Main Street)
│ ├───King Edward Terrace
│ ├───Land Sales Miscellaneous
│ │ ├───Field Names from Adverts
│ │ └───Tithe Map and Info
│ ├───Lane Top
│ ├───Langford House
│ ├───Langford Lane
│ ├───Langford Ride
│ ├───Langford Ride - Badgerstone
│ │ ├───Conveyance Tithe Land Registry - Langford Ride - scans
│ │ └───Title deeds etc from Joyce - Langford Ride HS Chorley
│ ├───Langford Road
│ ├───Lawn Avenue
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 2 - deeds - Danielle Hibbert
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 34 - deeds - Belinda Dunstan-Crarey
│ │ └───34 Lawn Avenue
│ ├───Lawn Avenue - 41
│ ├───Lawn Road
│ ├───Lawn Walk
│ ├───Leather Bank
│ ├───Lecture Hall see Queens Hall
│ ├───Lewis Buildings - Back Lane
│ ├───Lewis Terrace
│ ├───Little Esscroft - Riversdale
│ ├───Long Meadows
│ ├───Long Meadows under construction
│ ├───Low House Farm - Colston Drive
│ ├───Main Street
│ │ ├───East of Station Road
│ │ ├───East Terrace on Main Street
│ │ ├───Main Street2
│ │ └───West of Station Road
│ ├───Manor Park
│ ├───Manse Crescent
│ ├───Manse Road
│ ├───Mansfield Road
│ ├───Melrose Drive
│ ├───Menston Lane (Menston Old Lane)
│ ├───Middle Lodge Otley Road
│ ├───Midgley Road
│ ├───Midgley Road - 28 - Helen Franks papers
│ ├───Moor Lane
│ ├───Moor Lane Centre Road
│ ├───Moor Road
│ ├───Moorville or Moor House (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ ├───Eleanor Fisher - uncle executor Peter Garnett
│ │ ├───Moorville Estate 1900
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Myrtle Grove (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───North Parade
│ ├───North View (off Peel Place)
│ ├───Norwood Avenue
│ ├───Norwood Terrace
│ ├───Oak Avenue
│ ├───Oak Close
│ ├───Oakfield - Moor Lane
│ │ └───Gunton info
│ ├───Old Reservoir - Moor Lane
│ ├───Otley Road
│ ├───Parish Church Field Development 2020
│ ├───Parish Rooms (off Station Road)
│ ├───Park Row
│ ├───Pear Tree Farm (See FAM - Flesher)
│ ├───Peel Place
│ ├───Pleasant Row (Main Street)(built c1820)
│ ├───Post Office Yard (Main Street)
│ ├───Post Office Yard and Cottages
│ │ └───Dale Eddison - March 2023
│ ├───Pott's Farm or Potts' House
│ │ └───Electoral Roll etc
│ ├───Primitive Methodist Chapel and Schoolrooms (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───Prospect Road
│ ├───Prospect Row (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Pudding Tree (Main Street)
│ ├───Queens Hall - Lecture Hall
│ │ ├───Bell removal 2008
│ │ ├───Crag Top Roofing Sept 2021
│ │ ├───Queens Hall Lecture Hall interior 2018 images
│ │ ├───Spire and Bell Removal 1967
│ │ └───YorkDale Roofing June July 2024
│ ├───Recreation Ground - Fison Park
│ ├───River Wharfe
│ ├───Riversdale - see Little Esscroft
│ ├───Rose Bank
│ ├───Round House - Grange Park
│ ├───Roydon - Mount Wise (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───Salem - Congregational Chapel (See REL Salem)(EDU Salem)
│ ├───Sandholme Drive
│ ├───Scalebor Park Farm
│ │ └───Scalebor Park Farm House plan
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hall (see EDU Scalebor Park Hall)
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital see GOV West Riding County Council
│ ├───Scalebor Park Housing
│ │ ├───Grinham Images 2021
│ │ ├───Images pre-development
│ │ ├───RIBA - British Housing
│ │ └───Scalebor Housing
│ ├───Scalebor Park Lodge - also see GOV West Riding County Council
│ ├───Smithy Lane
│ ├───Southfield Road
│ ├───St Marys Parish Centre Station Road (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───St Marys Parish Church (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───St Philips Way
│ ├───Station Approach
│ ├───Station Road
│ ├───Stead Hall Farm
│ ├───Stoney Royd off Main Street
│ ├───Sun Lane
│ ├───Sun Lane Development - Centurion Meadows
│ ├───Sun Lane Nature Reserve (Poor's Field)(Sun Lane Tip)
│ ├───Tanfield Drive
│ ├───The Copse
│ ├───The Croft - land area
│ ├───The Drive - Moor Lane (see West Lodge)
│ ├───The Grange - or Burley Grange
│ │ ├───Burley Grange
│ │ │ └───Optimised Burley Grange
│ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ │ ├───Grange Park New Play ground
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Repairs Burley Grange
│ │ └───The Grange Stable
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───The Hawthorns (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───The Hermit (Woodhead)(see BUS Public Houses)
│ ├───The Knoll - Moor Lane
│ ├───The Laurels - Mansfield Road - Tailor Made
│ ├───The Lawn - Main Street
│ │ ├───1958 before alteration - Piotrowski
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───1958-9 Council Houses - Piotrowski
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───1960 conversion - Piotrowski
│ │ │ ├───Snips
│ │ │ └───The Lawn - Internal Views
│ │ │ └───Snips
│ │ ├───Grange Road Council Flats - Piotrowski
│ │ ├───Lawn Walk
│ │ ├───Lawn wall - Methodists - Grinham
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2008 and 2018
│ │ ├───Lawn Walk Council Houses
│ │ ├───Optimised external views conversion
│ │ ├───Optimised internal views conversion
│ │ └───Optimised The Lawn pre-conversion
│ ├───The Manse - Station Road Burley - See EDU - Burley Nursery
│ ├───The Mount - Stead
│ ├───The Robins Housing Estate - old railway sidings
│ ├───The Vicarage - Burley in Wharfedale
│ ├───Trinity Mews - former school on Aireville Terrace
│ ├───Underwood Court - Station Road
│ ├───Victoria Hall - Drill Hall - Peel Place
│ ├───Village Green - Burley
│ │ ├───Canadian War 2 Memorial see War Memorial folder
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Walton House or Greystone Manor
│ ├───War Memorials - WWI and WWII
│ │ └───Canadian Memorial WWII
│ ├───Wellfield Lane
│ ├───Wesleyan School and Chapel House Burley Woodhead - Gunton (See REL - Religion)
│ ├───West Lodge - Moor Lane
│ │ ├───See FAM - Benn
│ │ └───West Lodge 2020
│ ├───West Terrace - Main Street
│ ├───West View Road
│ ├───Weston Hall & Lodge
│ ├───Wharfe Court - corner Main Street and Norwood Ave
│ ├───Wharfedale Grange Farm (see The Mount, Stead)
│ │ ├───Gunton Research
│ │ └───Newman - Karen
│ ├───Wharfeside
│ ├───Whin Hill - Moor Road terrace houses
│ ├───Wrexham Road
│ └───York Road
├───BUS - Businesses
│ ├───Allison and Macrae Ltd (Burley Grange)(Architects)
│ ├───Arthur Newsome Limited (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───Booth - Butterfield
│ │ ├───Bray - Joy Far Skibeden Time Book
│ │ ├───Newsome (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───Newsome info - Gunton
│ │ ├───Old Skipton Pics fb
│ │ ├───Quarrying Yorkshire Dales - Johnson
│ │ ├───Scientific Roads Ltd
│ │ └───Spivey - Charles William
│ ├───British Thornton (Greenholme Mills Industrial Estate)
│ ├───Burley Gas Company (Greenholme Gasworks)
│ ├───Burley Hall Care Home - BUPA
│ ├───CEG (West of Burley Housing Development)
│ ├───Findel PLC (Burley House)
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Industrial Estate (1968-2018)
│ │ └───Current and Past Businesses
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Savings Bank - ACC No 0582 Map2
│ ├───Greenwood & Whitaker (1805-1847) (Greenholme Mills)
│ │ └───John Greenwood - Gunton research
│ ├───Greenwoods - Burley House
│ ├───Jefferies Haulage - Reg - Richard Jefferies
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───John Clapham & Sons (Corn mill & feed merchant)
│ ├───Jonas Whitaker & Co (c1790-1805) (Greenholme Mills)
│ │ ├───Jonas Whitaker Cattle Breeder & Exporter (Greenholme Estate)
│ │ └───Whitaker - Gunton snippets
│ │ ├───10 hours bill
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Joseph Gill & Sons (Rombald's Moor Bleach Works)
│ ├───Menston Building Co
│ ├───Midland Railway & North East Railway (Otley & Ilkley Joint Railway)
│ │ ├───1844-5 Railway Shareholders Manual - Tuck
│ │ ├───Alison Wright - Viaduct demolition
│ │ ├───Bill Smith Images via email
│ │ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Railway Station
│ │ │ ├───copied files other folders
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ │ └───Other stations on line
│ │ ├───Chris Smyth - north side of station
│ │ ├───Clements - Malcolm - Ilkley Oct 1985
│ │ ├───Foster, Peter - stone from viaduct
│ │ ├───Gunton, Sally - Burley Railway Station
│ │ │ └───optimised
│ │ ├───Ilkley Gazette History of Railway in 5 Parts 1969
│ │ ├───Images old track bed & Gods Acre March 2018
│ │ ├───Lockwood - Adrian - Station Clock
│ │ ├───Midland NER Railway details 1861 papers archive
│ │ ├───Midland Railway history
│ │ ├───Midland Railway Study Centre
│ │ ├───NER Optimised Images
│ │ ├───North Eastern Railway - rise and development - Tomlinson
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images bridges
│ │ ├───Otley and Ilkley Joint Railway
│ │ ├───Otley station and environs
│ │ ├───Railway history
│ │ │ ├───Andrew Naylor photos
│ │ │ │ └───album-d70574693-downloads
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital branch railway 1899-1903
│ │ ├───Shipley Railway Station and Goods yards
│ │ ├───Skipton and Ilkley Railway
│ │ ├───Smith, FW - Bill - Book on Wharfedale Railways
│ │ ├───South and West Yorkshire Railways
│ │ ├───Tozer - Nick - Ilkley Station 1987
│ │ └───Winpenny - Edward
│ ├───Milk Marketing Board & Genus PLC (Colston House)
│ │ ├───Carol Hindle - info and image
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Rathmell & Co (Hopps Barn Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Shop & Store Developments Burley House
│ ├───The Forge - BinW and Burley Woodhead
│ ├───TLS Hydro (Greenholme Old Mill)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Walkers Printers (Otley)
│ ├───Walking Photographer (Rich Bunce)
│ ├───Wharfedale Fancy Knitting Wool Company
│ ├───Wharfedale Steam Laundry (Sun Lane)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co (1842-1907)
│ │ ├───Greenholme Estate 1894 Deed-20240313T120736Z-001
│ │ │ └───Greenholme Estate 1894 Deed
│ │ ├───Greenholme Mills Savings Bank - see separate folder
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Yarn Sales and Customers List - Map Chest 1 Drawer 6
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co Limited (1907-1968)
│ ├───Woodley - G T - Coal Coke and Lime Merchant
│ └───Wright - John - Jake Wright - Guzdeks
│ ├───Greenholme Mills images
│ └───Optimised images
│ └───Guzdeks
├───BUS - Shops and Business Premises (S&B)
│ ├───Adverts
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Main Street East
│ │ ├───Main Street West
│ │ ├───Peel Place
│ │ └───Station Road
│ ├───Back Lane
│ ├───Bradford Road
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club Recipe Booklet Adverts
│ ├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Cornmill Lane
│ │ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Coutances Way and Ilkley Road - See Little Esscroft
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Crown Street
│ ├───Junction North Parade & Main Street
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Junction Station Road Main Street
│ │ └───Optimised Images Junction Station Main St
│ ├───Little Esscroft Riversdale - Gunton
│ ├───Main Street
│ │ ├───East Terrace
│ │ │ └───East Terrace Pictures Nos - Gunton
│ │ ├───Main Street east
│ │ │ ├───98_72 Main Street - Gunton
│ │ │ ├───Darbysons
│ │ │ ├───New images sept 2019
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Adverts
│ │ │ ├───Optimised images east
│ │ │ │ └───resized
│ │ │ └───Unoptimized images east
│ │ ├───Main Street West
│ │ │ ├───Adverts
│ │ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ │ ├───New images Sep 2019
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Main St West
│ │ │ ├───Shaun Paddy Parrington
│ │ │ └───Unoptimized images west
│ │ ├───Martins Bank
│ │ ├───Midgleys Butchers
│ │ └───West Terrace
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───North Parade
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Peel Place
│ │ ├───Gardener - Evelyn
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Public Houses
│ │ ├───Generous Pioneer
│ │ ├───Hermit Inn (Burley Woodhead) Also BUI - The Hermit Inn
│ │ ├───Malt Shovel
│ │ │ └───The Malt as housing
│ │ ├───Pig and Whistle
│ │ ├───Queens Head
│ │ ├───Red Lion
│ │ └───White Horse
│ │ └───White Horse images drive-download-20241003T232441Z-001
│ ├───Shops Houses Main St Burley - spreadsheet
│ ├───Shops Station Road and other Burley - spreadsheet
│ ├───Station Road
│ │ ├───Cheshire Cat
│ │ │ ├───Graham Cockell
│ │ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ │ └───Sharp
│ │ ├───Lockwood & Son Chemist
│ │ ├───Michelle Head - Manns and Peace Fish Shops
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images - Michelle Head
│ │ └───optimised
│ ├───Sun Lane
│ │ └───See BUS - Wharfedale Steam Laundry
│ └───Victoria Road
├───CAT - Catalogue & Inventory
│ ├───Belinda - FAM drawers
│ ├───drive-download-20230219T085511Z-001
│ ├───Exhibition display Material
│ ├───Greenholme Mills box file S.1.1.2
│ └───Old files
├───DIR - Directories - Business & People
│ ├───Burley Trade Directories - Gunton
│ │ ├───1822
│ │ ├───1830
│ │ ├───1841
│ │ ├───1848
│ │ ├───1861
│ │ ├───1867
│ │ ├───1871
│ │ ├───1877
│ │ ├───1881
│ │ ├───1887
│ │ ├───1889
│ │ ├───1891
│ │ ├───1893
│ │ ├───1894
│ │ ├───1897
│ │ ├───1901
│ │ ├───1901 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1904 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1908
│ │ ├───1909 Robinsons
│ │ ├───1912
│ │ ├───1917
│ │ ├───1922
│ │ ├───1927
│ │ └───1936
│ ├───Electoral Roll 1841 1848 and 1851
│ └───Phonebook 1902 - 1903 - 1904 - Gunton
├───EDU - Education
│ ├───Burley and Woodhead - Sandholme Drive (1976 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Education Trust - Township School
│ ├───Burley Main St Provided School 1905-1950
│ │ └───Methodist Wesleyan Burley Main St Provided (1905-1950)
│ ├───Burley Middle (1972-2000) and Burley Oaks (2000 onwards) Langford Lane
│ ├───Burley National and Aireville Terrace
│ │ ├───Aireville Optimised Images website
│ │ │ └───undated
│ │ ├───Aireville Reunion 2004 Scanned docs
│ │ ├───Burley CofE Primary - Aireville 1950-1972
│ │ ├───Burley First - Aireville - 1972-1999
│ │ │ └───Aireville centenary 1998
│ │ └───Burley National School - Aireville 1898-1950
│ │ └───1947
│ ├───Burley Nursery - The Manse Station Road
│ ├───Burley Preparatory School (c1935)
│ ├───Burley Woodhead School - Junior & Infants 1832 - 1976
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead Log Book 1953-1956
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead School Log Book 1953
│ │ ├───Envelope Files - Mrs Coates teacher at Woodhead
│ │ ├───Jane Shackleton Images & info
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Ghyll Royd School (Greystone)
│ ├───Grange Park Day Centre and Nursery
│ ├───Greenholme Mills school - Lecture Hall - Queens
│ │ └───Optimised Greenholme School
│ ├───Ilkley College Annexe (Burley Grange)
│ ├───Ilkley Secondary and IGS
│ ├───Ladysmith National School Back Lane (to 1898)
│ ├───Littleburn Home School
│ ├───Mount Wise High School for Girls (Arnold-Forster High School)
│ ├───Mrs. Ward's Private School (Woodhead) 1873
│ ├───Primitive Methodists - 1914 to unknown
│ ├───Rose Bank Villas school - c1870s - c1884
│ ├───Salem Congregational School
│ ├───Scalebor Park Hall School
│ ├───School crossing patrol - Langford and Station Road
│ ├───St Philips School Burley House (1941-1971)
│ └───Township School and Craft Centre
├───FAM - Families and People
│ ├───Akhtar - Rameez - Little Chef Kashmiri Aroma
│ ├───Aldred - Rev Donald and Anne
│ ├───Archer - Elizabeth (Hag Farm Road)
│ ├───Ardill - John (Chartist leader - BinW)
│ ├───Arnold-Forster - see Forster
│ ├───Ash - Horner (Burley Grange gardener)
│ ├───Asquith - Pat - images Burley and Woodhead
│ ├───Baildons (Baildon)
│ ├───Barr - Arthur William (Braeside)
│ ├───Beanlands Family
│ ├───Bell - Nelson (gamekeeper Burley Moor)
│ ├───Benn Family (BUI - West Lodge)
│ │ ├───Benn research - Gunton
│ │ └───see BUI - West Lodge
│ ├───Bentley - Henry & Sam WW1 Mark Paling Images
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Bevington - Dave - Station Rd Burley soldiers WW1
│ ├───Binns - Eddie
│ ├───Black - Charles Ingham
│ │ ├───Black - Ladbroke Lionel - journalist
│ │ ├───O'Neill - Adrian
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Bland - Philip (Burley images 1950s)
│ ├───Bond - David (aerial photographer)
│ ├───Bosomworth - Harvey
│ │ ├───BinW Images
│ │ └───Burley Archive
│ │ ├───Burley Brass Band
│ │ ├───Celebrations
│ │ ├───Churches
│ │ ├───Community Council
│ │ ├───Education
│ │ ├───Industrial
│ │ ├───Large Houses
│ │ ├───Milletc
│ │ ├───Misc
│ │ │ └───Burley Woodhead
│ │ ├───Old Burley
│ │ ├───Organisations
│ │ ├───Peter Mann
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Pubs
│ │ ├───Scalebor etc
│ │ ├───Smaller houses
│ │ ├───Sport and leisure
│ │ ├───Transport
│ │ ├───Village Green
│ │ ├───Wartime
│ │ └───Weather
│ ├───Breare Family
│ ├───Brook - Harry (cricketer)
│ ├───Brotherton (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Brown - Alfred John (Author & resident)
│ ├───Bulmer - George Bertram (1851-1916) - Architect
│ ├───Burton - John Clarke (Woodhead)
│ ├───Burton - Richard (postcard & photo collection)
│ │ └───Whitehouse - Sarah - postcard collection
│ ├───Carpmael - Annie census 1901
│ ├───Carruthers - Stephen - documents Oct 2022
│ ├───Cawood - Norman (Photo Collection)
│ │ ├───1990 Burley Show - Norman Cawood
│ │ └───River Wharfe Album - pre-bypass
│ ├───Charlesworth - Charles (Burley Moor, Hawksworth Moor)
│ ├───Child - Shirley
│ ├───Chorley & Kimber (Burley Woodhead)
│ │ ├───Harry Sutton Chorley (HS Chorley)
│ │ │ ├───BNA Downloads
│ │ │ ├───Charles Roberts Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images CRC
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Connon buildings
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images Chorley Connon
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Connon Chorley buildings
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised images CCC
│ │ │ ├───Chorley Gribbon Foggitt
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ │ ├───Connon and Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Connon Chorley
│ │ │ ├───Dobson Chorley
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Dobson Chorley
│ │ │ ├───Images Harry Chorley web page
│ │ │ │ └───Optimized images website
│ │ │ ├───John Wreghitt Connon
│ │ │ │ └───Optimised Images JWC
│ │ │ ├───optomised chorley
│ │ │ ├───Thomas Chorley Snr and Jnr
│ │ │ └───Verity - Penelope nee Chorley
│ │ │ └───Good images
│ │ └───Mary Chorley nee Kimber
│ │ ├───BNA Images from Cuttings
│ │ ├───Bradford Exhibition (1904)
│ │ ├───Burley Woodhead Dramatics
│ │ ├───Fleur Cook nee Kimber
│ │ │ ├───4th dec 18
│ │ │ ├───cuttings
│ │ │ └───John Frederick Charles Kimber
│ │ │ └───4th dec 18
│ │ ├───Folk Song & Dance Revival
│ │ ├───Miss Minnie or Mary Kimber (Mrs Mary Chorley)
│ │ │ └───Hillersdon House
│ │ ├───Optimised images Mary Chorley
│ │ ├───Outlook Club
│ │ │ └───Outlook Club - BNA
│ │ └───Woodhead Pageant
│ ├───Clapham - John Peele (The Grange or Burley Grange)
│ │ ├───Grinham images 2021
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Clark - Alun - Burley Woodhead Mills research
│ │ └───Snips
│ ├───Clark - Thomas (Greenholme Mills School)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Clegg - David - Lewis Clegg licence 202 Main St
│ ├───Cockell (Sharp & Otty - Victoria Cafe, Stirling Road)
│ ├───Colson - Trevor (TC Trev) (Earnest Thorne)
│ ├───Cooke - Gordon
│ ├───Cotton - A E - Sgt Major
│ ├───Crabtree - Greenwood - Greystone Manor
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Craven (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Craven - Hiram (Greenholme Mills stone weir)
│ ├───Creswell and Cresswell (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Crofton - Sophie nee Horsfall (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Cudworth - William (writer)
│ ├───Cummings - Elsie (nee Walker)
│ ├───Cuthbert - Arthur
│ ├───Dalton - Percy (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Deacon - Vivien (Rombalds Moor phD)
│ ├───Denby - Elaine (architect)
│ ├───Denison - David - surrealist artist
│ ├───Dixon
│ ├───Dixon - Neil (Methodist minister)
│ ├───Draper - Freda (naturalist)
│ ├───Ellis
│ ├───Elsworth - Josie - Greenholme Girls Cricket
│ ├───Emmott - brothers
│ ├───Emsley - Thomas (Burley Grange)
│ │ ├───American info
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Associates
│ │ ├───BNA Downloads 7_08_20
│ │ ├───Bray - James Joseph Edwin
│ │ ├───Bray family
│ │ ├───downloads
│ │ ├───Emsley Estate Property & Lands
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Fern Bank
│ │ ├───Finance
│ │ ├───India related info
│ │ │ ├───GIPR
│ │ │ ├───History of Technology
│ │ │ ├───India Govt report
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ ├───John Skirrow Emsley (brother)
│ │ ├───Jonathan Duncan emails - finance etc
│ │ ├───New Zealand and Australia info
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Other Emsleys
│ │ ├───Robert Emsley
│ │ ├───Rouse
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ └───Walton
│ ├───Fawcett - Stephen (poet b Burley)
│ ├───Fawkes (Farnley Hall)
│ ├───Fenton - John (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Fishburn - Francis - Tailor made villa (The Laurels Mansfield Road)
│ ├───Fisher - Malcolm - Burley images
│ ├───Fison (Greenholme)
│ │ ├───Fisons East Anglia
│ │ ├───Laptop Fison
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Fleck - W (photographer)
│ ├───Flesher - Walter
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Forrest - Mick
│ ├───Forrow - Vicky
│ ├───Forster and Arnold-Forster Family (Greenholme)
│ │ ├───Arnold family and relations
│ │ ├───Arnold Forster - Family
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster (EP, IM, HO, FA)
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster Albums - Sally Gunton
│ │ ├───Arnold-Forster photos - Thomas A-F
│ │ │ ├───A-F Burley
│ │ │ └───Otley History Book extracts
│ │ ├───Florence A-F Watercolour snips
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Florence Arnold Forster Irish Journal
│ │ ├───Florence Arnold Forster - watercolours and sketches
│ │ ├───Florence V O'Brien - Diaries Index Family Trees
│ │ ├───Forster - William Edward (1818-1886)
│ │ │ └───Buxton family - his mothers
│ │ ├───Forster Family Tottenham - WEFs Aunts and Uncles
│ │ ├───Frances Egerton A-F
│ │ ├───Iris Arnold Forster
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Foulds - Joseph Hartley
│ ├───Frazer - Lindsay (Gordon Burton)
│ ├───Gardener - Evelyn - Peel Place Fish & Chip Shop
│ ├───Garnett (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Garscadden - Dr
│ ├───Gaunt - David (Hopps Barn Sandholme Stores)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Gill (Burley Woodhead)(Plane Tree Farm)(Woodhead School)
│ ├───Gill - Raymond
│ ├───Gill - William (not Gill Brothers)
│ ├───Gilmour - John Rutherford (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ ├───Gledhill - Walter (chess player & teacher)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Gossop - Richard (Aireville School)
│ ├───Green - Eric
│ ├───Green - Yvonne family images
│ ├───Greenwood (Bingley)(See Greenholme - Mills Partners)
│ ├───Greenwood - Arthur (Greenholme Mansion)
│ ├───Greenwood - Esme - Slides - Gunton
│ ├───Gundry - John
│ ├───Gunton - Sally (postcard collector)(Burley research)
│ │ ├───Aerial photos
│ │ ├───Albert Bell Main Street - Gunton
│ │ ├───All other Burley - Gunton
│ │ ├───Burley & District Postcards & Images - Gunton
│ │ │ ├───Aireville Terrace
│ │ │ ├───Bradford Road
│ │ │ ├───Burley Hall
│ │ │ ├───Cathedine
│ │ │ ├───Corn Mill
│ │ │ ├───Elm Grove
│ │ │ ├───Farr Royd
│ │ │ ├───Grange Park
│ │ │ ├───Grangefield Ave
│ │ │ ├───Greenholme & Mill
│ │ │ ├───Greystone Manor Walton House
│ │ │ ├───Hag Farm Road
│ │ │ ├───Ilkley Road & Esscroft
│ │ │ ├───Lane Top
│ │ │ ├───Leather Bank
│ │ │ ├───Main Street
│ │ │ │ ├───Salem Church
│ │ │ │ ├───The Grange
│ │ │ │ └───West Terrace
│ │ │ ├───Mansfield Road
│ │ │ ├───Menston Old Lane
│ │ │ ├───Miscellaneous
│ │ │ ├───Moor Lane
│ │ │ │ ├───Highlands
│ │ │ │ └───Inglewood & Others
│ │ │ ├───Multi views
│ │ │ ├───Peel Place
│ │ │ ├───Railway Station
│ │ │ ├───River Wharfe
│ │ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ │ ├───Schools - class photos
│ │ │ ├───Southfield Road
│ │ │ ├───St Marys Church
│ │ │ ├───Station Road
│ │ │ ├───The Lawn
│ │ │ ├───The Rec (Recreation Ground)
│ │ │ ├───Weir & Stepping stones
│ │ │ ├───Wharfeside
│ │ │ └───Woodhead
│ │ ├───Gunton - 1902 - ebay files
│ │ ├───Hartleys Reservoir - Stead - Gunton
│ │ ├───Highfield House Burley Woodhead
│ │ ├───Ilkley 1867 Land Sale Exhibition
│ │ ├───Ilkley Civic Society - Mike Dixon Collection
│ │ ├───Ken Johnson 1970s (Dad)
│ │ ├───Main Street Maps - Gunton
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Shillitoe - Denise
│ │ └───Steph Hardisty - Burley Barbers
│ ├───Hall - Frank B
│ ├───Hannam (Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Hardiment - Ben (see MAP - 1741 Map)
│ ├───Hardisty - Steph - Burley Barbers - Images of Burley
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Harrison - William Billy Bumper
│ ├───Hebblethwaite (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Hill - Mary
│ ├───Hobson - William - Gardener Scalebor Hospital
│ ├───Hodgson - John and Faith - Greenholme Gatehouse or Lodge
│ ├───Hodson - James (Burley Grange)
│ │ └───James Hodson will - download from Probate service
│ ├───Hooper - Nicholas (The Hermit pub history)
│ │ └───Hermit-Hainsworth - Nick Hooper
│ ├───Horsfall (Burley in Wharfedale)(see Crofton)
│ │ ├───1846 Burley Hall conveyance - Burley Archive
│ │ ├───Horsfall - Martha
│ │ ├───Horsfall - Thomas m Martha
│ │ └───Horsfall - Thomas Moss d1905
│ ├───Horsman - Leslie (Les) Football Cricket Newsagent
│ ├───Horton - John & Yvette (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ ├───1922 War memorial balance sheet
│ │ ├───AFS - Auxillary Fire Service
│ │ ├───Cricket Photos
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Demolition West Terrace
│ │ ├───Grange Road Back Lane The Lawn wall flood photos
│ │ ├───Horton Files - Newman
│ │ ├───More Yvette Horton
│ │ ├───Newspaper clippings Yvette Horton
│ │ ├───Properties list
│ │ ├───Yvette Horton photos
│ │ │ ├───2003 Calendar pics
│ │ │ └───Aerial views
│ │ ├───Yvette Laptop
│ │ │ ├───Burley then and now
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley photos - then
│ │ │ │ └───Burley photos 2000
│ │ │ ├───disc misc 2
│ │ │ ├───disc msc 1 - aeromodellers
│ │ │ ├───Misc Burley from Internet
│ │ │ │ └───Building Burley by pass
│ │ │ ├───My Pictures
│ │ │ └───Yvette Horton photos
│ │ └───Yvette papers
│ ├───Howard nee Ripley (Sylvia)(Rose Queen 1953)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Hutchinson
│ ├───Ibbetson or Ibbotson (Denton Hall)
│ ├───Illingworth - Jim (new tractor tread 1950)
│ ├───Jackson - Janet (Postcards - Burley and Woodhead
│ ├───James - John (writer)
│ ├───Jarvis - Tommy
│ ├───Jenkins - Peter
│ │ └───1900 Land Sale 13 plots Burley - Station Road - Peter Jenkins
│ ├───Johnson - Ken
│ ├───Kelley - John (Horsfall Terrace)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Killick - Henry Fison (solicitor) nephew William Fison
│ ├───Kilner - Gillian (Jill)
│ ├───King - Percival Edgar (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ │ ├───Gods Acre - Percival King Grave - Grinham
│ │ └───Optimised Percival E King
│ ├───Kirkbright - Arthur (Burley Alphabet Rhyme)
│ ├───Laidler - Rachel Taylor
│ ├───Lamond - Ian (photographer)
│ ├───Lawrence - William (Scalebor Park school)
│ ├───Lawton - Ron
│ ├───Laycock - Mark - Duke of Wellington's Shoulder Flash 2024
│ ├───Layfield - Jack
│ ├───Lenor - Dr (White Rose Cottage)
│ ├───Lewis - Private (soldier)
│ ├───Lockwood - J and Son Chemists
│ ├───Lofthouse - John - Burley Family History Photos
│ ├───Longstaffe
│ ├───Lupton - GR H Mann JL Mann W Marshall WW1 pdfs
│ ├───Lupton - John (1840-1915) Butcher, Diary
│ ├───Mann
│ │ ├───Lister Mann - Kathryn Shapland
│ │ └───Mann - Lister also see ENQ - Shapland
│ ├───Mann - Colin (younger brother Peter Mann)
│ ├───Mann - Peter (Photo Collection)(d2022)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Marsden - Sam - Football medal 1926-27 - Boocock
│ ├───Maude (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ └───Maude - Thomas
│ ├───Maufe - Muff - Moor Lane
│ ├───Middleton - Ian (Burley artist)
│ ├───Mitchell - William H. (Director Wm Fisons & Co)(The Highlands)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Moody
│ ├───Moore (landowner)(Colston House)
│ ├───Moss - Gillian
│ ├───Mountain - Ben & Moody, Elsie
│ ├───Neary - Austin (tower crane Generous Pioneers site 2022 onwards
│ ├───Newbould - Frank
│ ├───Newman - Karen BLH&AG document transcriber
│ ├───Newman - Michael Henry (1929-2022)
│ ├───Newsome - Arthur see BUS - Arthur Newsome Ltd
│ ├───Newton - Ernest (architect)(The Highlands)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Normington - Harry (1884-1946)(Sandholme Garage)
│ │ └───Normington - Sally Gunton
│ ├───OConnor - Rachel (Pickard family Burley and Woodhead)
│ │ └───Burley and Woodhead WW1 War Dead images
│ ├───Padgett - Paul (Clevedon House School Magazines)
│ ├───Patchett - Greystone Manor (Walton House)
│ ├───Peace - Prof Richard (1933-2013) b BinW
│ ├───Pearson - Reina
│ ├───Pedley - Malcolm
│ ├───Peel - Robert
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Robert Peel - info
│ ├───Penny - Deborah nee Thorpe
│ ├───Pepper (Cathedine)
│ ├───Pickles
│ ├───Pollit - John Robert (The Knoll and Hollin Nook)
│ ├───Preston - Harry etc (Football War Memorial)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Pullan - A E (naturalist)
│ ├───Pullan - Graham (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Pulleyn of Yorkshire (Burley Hall)
│ ├───Rathmell
│ ├───Rayner (Blacksmith)
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───The Forge
│ ├───Rennison, Barry - buses
│ ├───Renton - Shaun (Midgley Road images)
│ ├───Renwick - James (publisher)
│ ├───Roe - Dina (Fairbank will 1764)
│ ├───Rouse (Colston House)
│ │ └───see FAM - Emsley - Thomas
│ ├───Rowson - Geoffrey (Rose Farm, Burley Woodhead)
│ ├───Seed
│ ├───Senior - Job (The Hermit)
│ ├───Settle - Peter (Burley Moor map and Corner Shop)
│ │ └───Sophie Crofton v Burley Urban District Council 1900 Map
│ ├───Shackleton - Jane (Woodhead School & Burley Cricket)
│ ├───Shelton - Jim
│ ├───Shepherd - John (1816-1902)(Shepherd Hill and Co)
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Slater - Jim
│ ├───Small - Peter (Burley United AFC)
│ ├───Smith - John Kirby (Guiseley - Miscellany Image)
│ │ ├───17 sep 2020
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2nd Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Guiseley Official Town Guide
│ │ └───Research Octagonal
│ ├───Smyth - Chris - Burley Railway - Mills Walk
│ │ ├───Beating The Bounds
│ │ └───Mills Walk - 2024
│ ├───Speed - Bruce
│ ├───Speight - Harry (author)
│ ├───Squire - John
│ ├───Stansfeld - Hamer (1797-1865) (Burley Grange)
│ ├───Stead - Fl Lt RAF
│ ├───Steinthal - Emeline (Petrie)(Stead)(Mary Chorley)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Stoddart - Jackie - Photos
│ ├───Stokes - Simon (ACC0589)
│ │ └───BinW Sports Club Recipe Book - Simon Stokes
│ ├───Stradling - Ella
│ ├───Summersgill (Lewis Buildings Burley in Wharfedale)
│ │ └───Summersgill
│ ├───Sumner - Tom
│ ├───Swain - William (professional cricketer)(1827-1910)
│ │ ├───Linda Carter images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Thomas Swain info
│ ├───Taylor - Arthur and dau Liz Taylor images
│ │ └───Link to Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club - Cricket
│ ├───Taylor - Mr & Mrs - BUS - Wm Fison & Co Ltd
│ ├───The Wills of Burley residents
│ ├───Thompson - Dean (Burley Angels football team plus other school)
│ ├───Thorne - Arthur
│ │ └───Thorne
│ ├───Town - Laurence (1895-1969)(Book binder)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Trench - James Knights (Burley Hall 1940s)
│ │ ├───James Knights Trench
│ │ │ ├───Arthur W Trench
│ │ │ ├───David Trench
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate related info
│ │ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ │ ├───West Riding Home Guard
│ │ │ └───Wives
│ │ ├───Operation Moon - Burley Hall Cotopa Sandoz
│ │ │ ├───Background Info
│ │ │ ├───SOE - scientific secrets
│ │ │ ├───SOE Ultimate Deception - Bruce
│ │ │ └───Station12 SOE SecretWeapons - Des Turner
│ │ └───Wendy Scott
│ ├───Turner - J Horsfall (writer)
│ ├───Unknown groups of people
│ ├───Valentine - Dr Jim (Scalebor Park Hospital)
│ ├───Vavasour (Stead Hall)(Weston Hall)
│ ├───Waddington - Scalebor
│ ├───Wadsworth - Malcolm (ACC0595)
│ │ ├───drive-download-20231202T214207Z-001
│ │ ├───Optimised
│ │ └───Souvenir Postcards
│ │ └───Optimised
│ ├───Walker - Jeremiah (Midge Hall)
│ ├───Walker - Mervyn (tree surgeon)
│ ├───Warburton (brass bands & garage)
│ ├───Ward - Mrs Mary Humphrey nee Arnold (see Forster)
│ ├───Warwick - Dennis and Margaret
│ │ └───Greenholme Mills Remembered Again originals
│ │ ├───GMRA cover illustrations
│ │ └───GMRA illustrations
│ ├───Watson - William (1858-1935)(poet)
│ ├───Welbourne - David (1947-2024)
│ ├───Wheatley - John - fb Ilkley Memories
│ ├───Whitaker (Greenholme)
│ ├───White - Sheila and Geoffrey
│ ├───Wilkinson - Tom (Actor) b Burley in Wharfedale
│ ├───Williams - Denis (Collection)
│ ├───Williams - Rhona (sister of Denis Williams)
│ ├───Wilson - Matthew (Burley Manor & Moor bought 1795)
│ │ └───Wilson - Burley Hall
│ └───Winder - Les (rambler lives Otley grew up Burley)
├───FILM - Film, Videos, Stills, Oral History
│ ├───Bradford Whit Walk 1946
│ ├───Burley, Past, Present & Future (1998)
│ ├───Interviews Cassettes with transcripts
│ │ ├───BCC Handbook 1999
│ │ ├───Canadian Economy
│ │ ├───Cassette Tape Label Pics
│ │ ├───Geoff Banks - Rhona Williams
│ │ ├───George Thorne
│ │ ├───George Thorne Extracts
│ │ ├───Mary Hill
│ │ ├───Miss M.Simpson 28011985
│ │ └───Mrs White - Harry Driver
│ ├───It Happened Today - West Riding Constabulary
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Salem 154th Anniv Service TV Broadcast July 1994
│ └───Videos - Interviews
│ ├───Bennett Williams Interview 16072001
│ ├───Clara Livesey Interview 30102000
│ ├───Dick Hargrave Interview 16102000
│ ├───Doris Lomas interview 22012001
│ ├───Ella Stradling Interview 17082000
│ └───Frank Newbould Interview 27062000
├───GEN - General
│ ├───Books scanned
│ ├───Burley Village Calendar photos - Gunton
│ └───Events
│ ├───1889 Burley Industrial Exhibition
│ ├───Burley Feast Great Pudding
│ ├───Burley Fete - Burley Middle School
│ ├───Jubilee Garden Opening Ceremony - people - Main Street
│ └───Optimised
├───GOV - Governance
│ ├───Aireborough Urban District Council
│ ├───Airedale Community Health Council
│ ├───Bradford Metropolitan District Council (1974 onwards)
│ │ ├───1999 Village Design Statement
│ │ └───BMDC - Burley Conservation Area - notes
│ │ └───Listed Buildings Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Local Board of Health (1854-1895)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Urban District Council (BUDC)(1895-1937)
│ │ ├───0593 sewage related docs - drive-download-20231104T141253Z-001
│ │ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Fire Brigade 1908
│ │ └───Sewage Works docs transcribed K Newman
│ ├───Burley Parish Council (2006 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Township (upto 1854)
│ │ ├───Burley Bills - 1782-1793
│ │ ├───See DIR - Directories - Burley Trade Directories
│ │ ├───See DIR - Directories - Electoral Roll 1841 1848 and 1851
│ │ └───See POP - Population Studies and Info - Electoral Rolls
│ ├───Coal Authority (Burley Moor)(Rombalds Moor)
│ ├───Domesday Book 1086
│ │ └───BBC - Domesday project Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Govt - Census Information
│ │ ├───1891 CD
│ │ ├───1901 CDs x2
│ │ │ ├───CD1 - Transcripts Burley and Otley spreadsheets
│ │ │ └───CD2 - RE13 4063 Burley in Wharfedale
│ │ └───1911 CD
│ │ └───Burley 1911 Census J Peg
│ ├───Govt - Factories Inquiry Commission 1833
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax 1883-1884 Valuation - Burley
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax 1910 Valuation - Burley 535
│ ├───Govt - Land Tax Records 1909 Burley
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of Transport now Dept of Transport
│ │ ├───1936 Otley By-pass
│ │ ├───Burley A65_A660 Bypass
│ │ │ ├───By Pass
│ │ │ ├───By Pass Redirection of the river
│ │ │ ├───Collins - Elizabeth
│ │ │ ├───Darwin - Julia images
│ │ │ ├───Horton - Yvette images
│ │ │ ├───Mitchell - Jon
│ │ │ ├───Newspaper Cuttings
│ │ │ ├───Sowden - Pam & Dave
│ │ │ └───Stoddart - Jackie - Building Burley by pass
│ │ │ └───Stoddart
│ │ ├───Turnpike Trusts
│ │ └───Wharfedale Trunk Road
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of War Office - WW1
│ │ ├───4th West Riding Howitzers - Otley Burley Ilkley
│ │ ├───A World War - maps
│ │ ├───BLH&AG Panels for exhibition
│ │ ├───Burley District related cuttings info etc
│ │ ├───Duke of Wellington's Regiment
│ │ ├───Ellis - Jack (See FAM - Ellis)
│ │ ├───Expanded pdfs from WW1 research
│ │ ├───Military Operations Fr and Belgium book 1914
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Weaponry 1914
│ │ └───Women at War - WW1
│ ├───Govt - Ministry of War Office - WW2
│ │ ├───Canadian WW2 Memorial see BUI - War Memorials
│ │ ├───End of World War 2
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Evacuees WW2
│ │ ├───Home Guard and Auxiliary Fire Service
│ │ └───VE and VJ Day
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Ilkley Parish Council - (1974 - 2006)
│ ├───Ilkley Urban District Council (1937-1974) (Ilkley UDC)
│ │ ├───Burley Demolition Slum Clearance
│ │ └───Hutments Burley Woodhead Optimised
│ ├───Land Registry (Tithes, Conveyances & Deeds)
│ ├───Leeds City Corporation (Trackless Trams)
│ ├───Leeds Regional Hospital Board (Scalebor Park Hospital)(1930-1974)
│ ├───National Archives - Burley related records
│ ├───National Health Service 1948 onwards
│ ├───Otley Urban District Council (OUDC)
│ ├───West Riding Constabulary (Police) - see FILM - It Happened Today
│ ├───West Riding of Yorkshire County Council (WRYCC) - Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ ├───1922 Wedding Present - Hogg
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Air Yorkshire Aviation Society - Scalebor Gala 1965
│ │ ├───Coffee Pot - Scalebor Park Hospital
│ │ ├───Foundation Stone 1899
│ │ ├───Gunton - Newspaper Cuttings
│ │ ├───High Royds Hospital (Menston)
│ │ ├───Highlands
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Images 1990 gala - Norman Cawood
│ │ ├───New Admissions Unit
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Optimised Images2
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital - Rita Birkett
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital League of Friends
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Hospital Plan - Archive
│ │ ├───Scalebor Park Railway - construction Isaac Gould
│ │ ├───Staff
│ │ └───West Lodge School of Nursing
│ ├───West Riding of Yorkshire County Council (WRYCC) - The Court Boys Home (Cathedine)
│ ├───Wharfedale Rural District Council
│ └───York County - West Riding 1841 governance
├───MAP - Maps and Plans
│ ├───1741 Burley Map - Ben Hardiment
│ ├───1908 Leeds Rotherham Sheffield
│ ├───Maps - National Library of Scotland - OS
│ └───oldmaps co uk
├───NEWS - Papers, Magazines, articles about Burley District
│ ├───Burley - Wharfedale Pictorial 1935 - Gunton
│ ├───Burley - Wharfedale Pictorial 1937 - Gunton
│ ├───NEWS - British Newspaper Archive (BNA)
│ │ ├───Belfast Newsletter (38)
│ │ ├───Birmingham Daily Mail (644)
│ │ ├───Bradford Daily Telegraph (629)
│ │ ├───Bradford Observer (155)
│ │ ├───Children's Newspaper
│ │ ├───Daily Mail (Hull) (324)
│ │ ├───Daily Mirror (560)
│ │ ├───District News (Todmorden) (1940)
│ │ ├───Driffield Times & General Advertiser (1065)
│ │ ├───Evening Chronicle (North East)(726)
│ │ ├───Evening News (North East) (2077)
│ │ ├───Forres Elgin & Nairn Gazette (2172)
│ │ ├───Hampstead & Highgate Express (1981)
│ │ ├───Huddersfield Daily Examiner (901)
│ │ ├───Ilkley Gazette (985)
│ │ ├───Leeds & Yorkshire Mercury (747)
│ │ ├───Leeds Intelligencer (193) and (236) and (268)
│ │ ├───Leeds Mercury (76) and (748)
│ │ ├───Leeds Patriot (371)
│ │ ├───Leeds Times (336)
│ │ ├───Liverpool Echo (271)
│ │ ├───Manchester Courier & Lancashire Gen. Advertiser (206)
│ │ ├───Morning Post (London) (174)
│ │ ├───Norfolk & Suffolk Journal and Diss Express (1528)
│ │ ├───Northern Daily Mail (378)
│ │ ├───Oxfordshire Weekly News (2304)
│ │ ├───Reading Mercury, Oxf Gazette et al County Paper (369)
│ │ ├───Rochdale Observer (310)
│ │ ├───Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (181)
│ │ ├───Sheffield Daily Independent (1464)
│ │ ├───Sheffield Daily Telegraph (250)
│ │ ├───Shipley Times & Express (1711)
│ │ ├───The Bucks Herald (270)
│ │ ├───The Daily Independent (1465)
│ │ ├───The Globe (London) (1652)
│ │ ├───The Guardian
│ │ ├───The Journal (2240)
│ │ ├───The News and Advertiser (2046) (Todmorden)
│ │ ├───The Standard (London) (183)
│ │ ├───The Sunday Tribune (2321)
│ │ ├───The Tatler (1853)
│ │ ├───The Todmorden Advertiser (2124)
│ │ ├───Westmoreland Gazette (399)
│ │ ├───Wharfedale & Airedale Observer (1823)
│ │ ├───York Herald (186) and (498) and (499)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Evening Post (273)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Gazette (266)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Herald (500)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Post (687)
│ │ ├───Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer (686)
│ │ └───__ Star and Daily Herald (1708)
│ ├───NEWS - Weather
│ │ ├───Floods - 1930 1935 1956 and others
│ │ └───Snow - 1947
│ ├───News Cuttings - unknown source - black folder
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1935 - Gunton
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1936 - Gunton
│ ├───Wharfedale Pictorial 1937 - Gunton
│ └───Wharfedale Pictorial 1938 - Gunton
├───OBJ - Objects Images
│ └───Object Snips
│ └───Optimised Object Snips
├───ORG - Organisations Burley District & Others
│ ├───Aireborough Historical Society
│ ├───Baildon Brass Band (1902 Coronation Procession)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Bingley Moor Partnership (Burley Moor)
│ ├───BOBS Eagles - Burley & Otley Bicycle Speedway
│ ├───Bradford Angling Association - fishing R. Wharfe Burley
│ ├───Bradford Antiquary
│ ├───Bradford Libraries Map Files
│ ├───Bradford Society of Architects and Surveyors
│ ├───British Women's Advisory Council (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Burley & District Brass Band
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Valerie Vellani
│ ├───Burley & District Chamber of Trade (BADCOT)(upto 2019)
│ ├───Burley & Greenholme Cricket Club (1852)
│ ├───Burley & Menston Civil Charities
│ ├───Burley Bowling Club (Grange Park)
│ │ ├───Bowling Club History booklet
│ │ ├───Burley Bowling Green history - Dennis Wawick
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Bridge Association
│ │ ├───BBA Planning App 2023
│ │ └───Burley Bridge Campaign - 2004 report
│ ├───Burley BT Race to Infinity 2011-2012
│ ├───Burley Chess Club
│ ├───Burley Community Council (1976-2006)
│ │ ├───1999 Village Design Statement doc scan - see GOV - BMDC
│ │ ├───BCC AGMs
│ │ ├───BCCmins03-09
│ │ └───early BCC photos - Dennis Warwick
│ ├───Burley Conservative Association
│ ├───Burley East End Allotment - Co-Op Society
│ ├───Burley Feast - Annually - October
│ ├───Burley Gardeners Association
│ │ └───Burley Gardeners Show 2002
│ ├───Burley House Field Campaign
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale & District Round Table
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Amateurs (Drama)(1923)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Athletics Club (1878)
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Charity Gala Association (1903 - )
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Choral Society - 1914
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Community Trust (BWCT)
│ │ ├───2019
│ │ ├───BWCT minutes
│ │ ├───Christmas Lights
│ │ ├───Duck Race - River Wharfe
│ │ │ ├───2017
│ │ │ └───2019
│ │ ├───Hanging Baskets
│ │ ├───Pudding tree (Main Street)
│ │ ├───Scalebor Sports Ground
│ │ ├───Village Green
│ │ ├───Village Green - New fountain
│ │ └───Village Noticeboards
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Freehold Gardens Society (HS Chorley)(Atkinson)
│ │ └───West End Allotments
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Library
│ │ └───Library building refurbishment progress photos (2019)
│ │ └───Optimised resized
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Sports Club (Burley in Wharfedale CC)
│ │ ├───Lofthouse images
│ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ ├───See FAM - Elsworth - Josie
│ │ ├───See FAM - Horton - John & Yvette Cricket Photos
│ │ ├───See FAM - Shackleton - Jane
│ │ └───See FAM - Stokes - Simon Recipe Book
│ ├───Burley in Wharfedale Woodhead & District Horticultural Fur & Feather Society
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Lions Amateur Rugby League Football Club 2008-13
│ │ ├───Extract
│ │ └───Optimised BL ARLFC
│ ├───Burley Local History & Archive Group (BLH&AG)
│ │ ├───2018 Nov Exhibition - snipped photos
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───2024 Sept Archive Room
│ │ │ └───drive-download-20240921T104642Z-001
│ │ ├───2024 Sun 18th August Gazebo volunteers poster
│ │ ├───Archive extension notes
│ │ ├───Archive Room 2023
│ │ ├───archive room 2024 drive-download-20240609T211143Z-001
│ │ ├───Archive Room Oct 2024 drive-download-20241007T092503Z-001
│ │ ├───BHT Image Snips
│ │ │ └───Optimised
│ │ ├───BLH&AG Photos Armistice Exhibition Nov 2018
│ │ ├───Burley History Trail (BHT) - Martin Ross
│ │ │ └───BHT photos
│ │ ├───BWCT - Panels - John Kelly
│ │ ├───Dearing - Robin BWCT
│ │ ├───drive-download-20220726T111517Z-001
│ │ ├───Heritage Open Days (HOD)
│ │ ├───HOD Optimised
│ │ ├───HOD Quiz - Mary Bowes
│ │ ├───HOD Quiz Answers Images - Karen Newman
│ │ ├───Members
│ │ ├───Members List
│ │ ├───Mens Shed visit 16th Nov 2022
│ │ ├───Mystery Package - 03-11-2023
│ │ ├───NatWest Bank details etc
│ │ ├───Newman - Karen
│ │ └───Website - page by page text
│ ├───Burley Luncheon Club (2003)
│ ├───Burley Mens Shed
│ ├───Burley Middle School PTA
│ ├───Burley Millenium Theatre Group
│ ├───Burley Minstrel Troupe
│ ├───Burley Old Peoples Welfare Association (1954-2000)
│ ├───Burley Over 50s Club
│ ├───Burley Players (Amateur Dramatics)
│ ├───Burley Probus Club
│ ├───Burley Rifle Club (Burley Social Club)
│ │ ├───Burley Social Club drive-download
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Burley Rifle Volunteer Corps - Forster
│ ├───Burley String Band (1881 and 1918)
│ ├───Burley Summer Festival (2009 - 2019)
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009 Photos CD1
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2009 Photos CD2
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2010
│ │ │ └───Fun Run - Malcolm Fisher
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2011
│ │ │ └───2011 Burley Moor Run
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2013 - Gary Bowkett
│ │ │ ├───Bowls
│ │ │ ├───Car show
│ │ │ ├───Craft Market
│ │ │ ├───Cycle BBC
│ │ │ ├───Dog show
│ │ │ ├───Farmers mkt
│ │ │ ├───Flower show
│ │ │ ├───Lion BBQ
│ │ │ ├───Misc
│ │ │ ├───Scarecrows
│ │ │ ├───Silsdon Band in Park
│ │ │ └───Traction engines
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2015
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2019
│ │ │ └───Classic Cars 2019
│ │ ├───Burley Summer Festival 2023
│ │ └───Moor Run 2012
│ ├───Burley Trojans Ladies FC (2004 onwards)
│ ├───Burley Trojans Mens FC
│ ├───Burley Wesley Cricket Club
│ │ └───24th jan 2020 Burley Wesley snippets
│ ├───Burley Youth Club - Sun Lane
│ ├───Burley Youth Forum (1996)
│ ├───Catenian Association - catholic mens club
│ ├───Christian Aid Committee
│ ├───Commonwealth War Graves
│ ├───Dales Countryside Museum
│ ├───Dementia Friends (Burley)
│ ├───Environment Agency
│ ├───Feast of the Great Pudding (Burley Feast)(October)
│ ├───Good Neighbours
│ ├───Grange Club (The Grange)(Burley Grange)
│ ├───Greenholme Girls Sports Club
│ ├───Greenholme Lawn Tennis Club
│ ├───Greenholme Mills and St Mary's Girls Club (1922-1935)
│ ├───Historic England
│ │ └───HE AM Maps Optimised Images
│ ├───Houseprices.io (Lidar imagery)
│ ├───Ilkley History Hub
│ ├───Ilkley Hospital and Convalescent Home Foundation
│ ├───Ilkley Museum and Historical Society - Ilkley U3A
│ ├───Institute of Civil Engineers (Greenholme Mills)
│ ├───Institute of Mechanical Engineers (Greenholme Mills)
│ ├───Ladies Please Choir - Burley
│ ├───Leeds Anglers Fishing Association - Malt Shovel
│ ├───Leeds Co-Operative Society
│ ├───Leeds Hospital Fund
│ ├───Leeds Library (See Thoresby Society, YAS, Leeds University)
│ ├───Leeds University Library records - Burley related
│ │ └───Fawkes of Farnley Collection
│ ├───Maritime Archaelogical Trust
│ ├───Mens Shed - Burley
│ ├───Menston Archive
│ ├───Mothers For Peace (Burley in Wharfedale)
│ ├───Mothers Union
│ ├───National Archives (Domesday Book)
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───National Archives - Burley records
│ ├───National Library of Scotland (NLS)
│ ├───Northern Antiquarian (megalithix) (Burley Moor)(Rombalds Moor)
│ ├───Otley Museum & Archive Trust
│ ├───Otley Parish Church (Fison & Whitaker windows)
│ │ └───Otley Cemetery - Andrew Gilliland Photos
│ ├───Researchgate (Greenholme Mills - gasworks)
│ ├───Ryedale Folk Museum - Jennifer Smith
│ ├───Schools - see EDU - Education Folder
│ ├───Scouts & Guides Association
│ │ ├───Girl Guides Brownies
│ │ └───Scouts Cubs
│ ├───Secret Leeds Library
│ ├───Skipton Castle
│ ├───St John Ambulance Association
│ ├───St Marys Players (1950s)(Amateur Dramatics)
│ ├───St Marys Youth Fellowship
│ ├───Tereli
│ ├───The Arts Society Saltaire (TASS)
│ ├───Thoresby Society (See also Leeds University & YAS)
│ ├───Toyo University - Yasuhito Sato
│ ├───U3A Ilkley - Scrapbooks
│ ├───Walkers Are Welcome - Burley
│ ├───West Riding Anglers - Greenholme R. Wharfe
│ ├───West Yorkshire Archaeology Service
│ ├───West Yorkshire Archive Service - Bradford
│ ├───Wharfedale & District Aeromodellers - John Horton
│ ├───Wharfedale Agricultural Society (Otley Show)
│ ├───Wharfedale Family History Group (WFHG) (BMDs St Marys & Salem)
│ ├───Wharfedale Floral and Horticultural Society
│ ├───Wharfedale Folk Dance Association (Mary Chorley)
│ ├───Wharfedale Miniature Railway - Ilkley Road - 1940s
│ ├───Wharfedale Musical Festival (Ilkley)
│ ├───Wharfedale Wanderers
│ ├───Womens Institute (Burley Branch)
│ ├───Workers Educational Association (WEA)
│ │ ├───WEA Tutorial Group visit 1984 or 1985
│ │ └───WEA Tutorial Group visit Greenholme Mills Oct 1983
│ ├───Yeadon Sailing Club (Sir Guy Fison)
│ ├───Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society (YAS)(See Thoresby Society)
│ ├───Yorkshire Ladies Council of Education (YLCE) see Chorley, Mary
│ └───Youth Hostel Association (YHA) - Burley Woodhead
├───POP - Population studies, info, census
│ ├───1841 West Riding Polling
│ ├───Burley and Woodhead and Stead 1911 Census sheets images
│ ├───Census 1901
│ ├───Electoral Roll files - Gunton
│ │ ├───1922 Electoral Roll Burley
│ │ ├───1946 Electoral Roll Burley
│ │ ├───Electoral Registers Burley
│ │ │ ├───1927-8 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1928-9 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1929-30 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1930-1 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1931-2 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1932-3 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1933-4 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1934-5 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1935-6 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1936-7 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───1937-8 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1938-9 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1939-40
│ │ │ ├───1940
│ │ │ ├───1941
│ │ │ ├───1942
│ │ │ ├───1943
│ │ │ ├───1944
│ │ │ ├───1945 Civillian Register
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme ward
│ │ │ ├───1946 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ │ ├───1947
│ │ │ ├───1948
│ │ │ ├───1949 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ │ ├───Burley Ward 1949
│ │ │ │ └───Holme ward 1949
│ │ │ └───1959-61 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ ├───Holme Ward
│ │ │ └───Woodhead Ward
│ │ └───Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1848 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1849 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1850 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1851 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1852 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1853 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1854 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1855 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1856 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1857 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1858 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1859 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1860 none
│ │ ├───1861 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1862 none
│ │ ├───1863 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1864 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1865 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1866 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1867 none
│ │ ├───1868 none
│ │ ├───1869 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1870 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1871 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1872 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1873 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1874 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1875 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1876 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1877 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1878 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1879 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1880 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1881 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1882 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1883 none
│ │ ├───1884 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1885 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1886 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1887 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1888 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1889 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1890 none
│ │ ├───1891 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1892 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1893 Burley Electoral Rol
│ │ ├───1894 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1895 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1896 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1897 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1898 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1899 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1900 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1901 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1902 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1903 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1904 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1905 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1906 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1907 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1908 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1909 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1910 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1911 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1912 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1913 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1914 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1915 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1916 none
│ │ ├───1917 none
│ │ ├───1918 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Division 1
│ │ │ └───Division 2 & 3
│ │ ├───1919 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Division 1
│ │ │ └───Division 2 & 3
│ │ ├───1920 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1921 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1922 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1923 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1924 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1925 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1926 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1927 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1935 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───1937 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ ├───1946 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ │ ├───Burley Ward
│ │ │ └───Holme Ward
│ │ └───1949 Burley Electoral Roll
│ │ ├───Burley Ward 1949
│ │ └───Holme ward 1949
│ └───Electoral Rolls
├───REL - Religion
│ ├───Burley Woodhead Methodists (See Wesleyan Chapel)
│ ├───Catholic Church (SS John Fisher & Thomas More)
│ ├───Gods Acre Cemetery - Burley
│ ├───Methodist Church St Johns - Burley
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Primitive Methodists 1810-1932
│ ├───Salem Congregational Church & Hall (Main Street Burley)
│ ├───St Marys Parish Church, Vicarage & Parish Centre
│ │ └───Grinham images 2021
│ ├───Wesleyan Chapel & Sunday School (Burley Woodhead)
│ └───Yorkshire Quaker Heritage Project
├───RES - Research
│ ├───Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA)
│ ├───Books
│ ├───Bradford - MS views pre-Broadway
│ ├───Bradford Local Studies Library
│ ├───Measurements
│ │ └───Measurements - The University of Nottingham_files
│ ├───Photography - historic
│ ├───Save our Stones website
│ │ └───All Pictures - Save Our Stones_files
│ ├───Thoresby Society
│ └───Yorkshire Deeds - Stede Burley etc
├───SCA - Scanned Documents
│ └───indenture scans may 2023
├───SPO - Sport
│ ├───Association Football
│ │ ├───Association Football - BLHAG laptop
│ │ │ └───Optimised images post 1940
│ │ ├───BNA Football Downloads
│ │ ├───Horsforth Football
│ │ └───webpage images
│ │ └───Opitimised images
│ ├───Athletics
│ ├───Cricket
│ │ └───Cricket Optimised images
│ ├───Rugby Union
│ │ └───Burley Old Football Club
│ ├───Wharfedale Horse Races
│ └───Womens Cricket and other sports
│ ├───Cricket and England - social history of cricket
│ ├───Optimised Images
│ └───womens cricket - BNA
├───TRA - Transport (for Rail see BUS - Midland Railways)
│ ├───Bus Services
│ │ ├───Annison Bull Otley
│ │ ├───Antichan - Jules S
│ │ │ ├───Abily - Charles
│ │ │ ├───downloads 21112019
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Ashworth - Mike illustrations etc
│ │ │ └───3 point perspective
│ │ │ └───ashworth
│ │ ├───Harrogate info
│ │ │ ├───22 11 2019
│ │ │ ├───downloads 21112019
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate Road Car - Hepworth info
│ │ │ │ └───Hepworth family
│ │ │ ├───Harrogate WYRCC
│ │ │ └───Steam buses info
│ │ ├───Lawson - Alex images
│ │ ├───Ledgard - Samuel
│ │ ├───Leeds Corporation Transport LCT
│ │ ├───Lockwood - Andrew images
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Molinari - Stephen images
│ │ ├───Optimised images - all sections
│ │ │ └───Optimised images - Ledgard
│ │ ├───Rathmell - Fred
│ │ │ ├───Adrian Rathmell - images
│ │ │ │ └───Steve Hallan
│ │ │ └───Cream Bus Service Ltd
│ │ │ ├───Arthur Sunley coach trips c1951
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Stage Coach services
│ │ │ └───optimised images
│ │ ├───West Yorkshire Road Car
│ │ └───Yorkshire Rider Gold Rider
│ ├───Charabancs
│ │ └───Charabancs - optimised
│ ├───Personal Transport
│ └───Trackless Trams (see GOV - Leeds City Corporation)
│ ├───1915 Trackless Trams Menston - Dale Smith
│ ├───Ashworth - Mike images
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Electrical Review Journal 1911 - TTs extracts
│ └───Optimised Images
└───WEB - Website Folders
├───About Us page
├───Activities and Events
│ ├───Adult Programming
│ ├───Book Fair and Markets info
│ ├───Optimised Images
│ ├───Rhyme Challenge 2018
│ ├───Story Bees - Maddie Coelho
│ ├───Summer Reading Challenge
│ └───World Book Day March 7th 2019 - Burley Library
│ └───Optimised images
├───Burley Archive
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Burley Community Library - web pages
├───Burley History .org
├───Burley in Wharfedale
│ └───webpage items
│ └───Optimised Images Burley
├───Burley Moor (need owners & dates)
│ ├───Geograph.com (image website)
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Burley Woodhead web page
│ │ └───Optimised images web page
│ ├───Jane Shackleton
│ ├───Sally Gunton - Moor House or Moorville
│ └───Woodhead images
│ └───Optimised Images
├───Covid related - 2020 to 2021
│ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Bradford Archives
│ │ └───Bradford Industrial Museum (BIM) Images
│ ├───English Heritage discussions Old Mill
│ ├───Facebook post - British Archaeology
│ ├───Google May 2017
│ ├───Greenholme Estate properties
│ │ └───Iron Row
│ ├───Greenholme Mansion or Villa or House
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Greenholme Mills - from Burley Laptop folder
│ │ ├───Not Greenholme
│ │ ├───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Stepping Stones
│ │ └───Dam Stones
│ ├───Greenholme Mills Fire 2nd July 1966 - Mrs Taylor
│ │ └───Greenholme Mills Fire 1966 - optimised
│ ├───Greenholme Partners
│ │ ├───Davison
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Fisons
│ │ │ ├───Frederick W Fison image mw118554_licence
│ │ │ ├───Not Mrs William Fison Greenholme
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ ├───Forster - William Edward
│ │ │ ├───arnold forster
│ │ │ ├───Forster - Jackson bio
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───John Greenwood Bingley
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Merryweather
│ │ ├───Richard Paley
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Walter Nicholson
│ │ ├───Whitaker
│ │ └───William Ellis
│ ├───Greenholme Redevelopment 2020
│ │ ├───2022 - Lettings
│ │ ├───Hutchinson Whitlam
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Greenwood & Whitaker and Wm Fison & Co
│ │ ├───Cotton sources etc
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───Grinham photos July 2020
│ ├───Hell-Hole-Gill Otley
│ ├───John Wright image
│ ├───Mill construction
│ │ ├───Bridge Scheme
│ │ ├───Electricity
│ │ │ └───Optimised images
│ │ ├───Gas Lighting
│ │ ├───Optimised images
│ │ └───Textile machinery etc
│ ├───Optimised images
│ ├───Photos from phone
│ │ ├───April 2019
│ │ ├───May 5th 2019
│ │ │ └───Optimised Images
│ │ └───Sept 2019
│ ├───Stones and Weir Tree removal project
│ │ ├───Stones images 24 Mar 2019
│ │ └───Summer 2020 - covid-19
│ ├───Stones documents etc
│ │ ├───23rd June 2013
│ │ ├───Airton Mill - Corn and Cotton_files
│ │ ├───Burley Corn Mill_files
│ │ ├───Greenholme Mills history_files
│ │ ├───Keighley families_files
│ │ ├───Papers of Ibbetson Family Denton_files
│ │ ├───Stones pics Sept 2012
│ │ ├───Stones webcam
│ │ └───Waterways Chronology from 1782 to 1791_files
│ ├───The Goit - Greenholme
│ ├───The Goits - Greenholme
│ ├───weir board
│ │ ├───Optimised
│ │ └───weirboard in Library images
│ ├───Weir, River & Stepping stones
│ ├───Wm Fison & Co - Bradford Location Maps
│ └───Wm Fison & Co workers
├───Hill Top
│ └───Optimised Images
├───In Living Memory
│ └───People
│ ├───Cooper Guiseley
│ └───Huddersfield Narrow
├───Past Events
│ ├───1887 Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee
│ ├───1897 Victoria Diamond Jubilee
│ ├───1902 Coronation
│ ├───1902 End of Boar War
│ ├───1906
│ ├───1911 Coronation
│ │ └───Optimised Images 1911
│ ├───1918
│ ├───1919 Triumphal Arch
│ ├───1923
│ ├───1930_31
│ │ └───Optimised Image 1930
│ ├───1935 Jubilee George Mary
│ │ └───Optimised Images
│ ├───1937
│ ├───1944 Salute the Soldier - see Govt WW2
│ ├───1945 VE celebrations
│ ├───1945 VJ celebrations
│ ├───1953 Queen Elizabeth Coronation
│ ├───1970 Pudding Tree felled
│ │ └───Optimised Images 1970
│ ├───1977 Silver Jubilee
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───2001
│ ├───2002 Golden Jubilee
│ ├───Burley Woodhead
│ ├───Fetes
│ └───Wedding Photos
├───Railway - see BUS - Midland Railways folder
│ ├───Google Images
│ ├───Nick Holmes - Clevedon House
│ │ └───Optimised images
│ ├───Optimised Images - The Mount
│ ├───Sally Gunton
│ │ └───Clevedon House Prospectus
│ └───The Mount, Stead
└───Website backup zip
└───Weebly - View Form Data_files